How common are fake certs?

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Dylan Devere
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Re: How common are fake certs?

Post by Dylan Devere »

sorry- it wasn't my intention to do that- but alot of what is being said here is that people in the industry ourside of your producers forum are unaware of the pitfalls and inpracticallities of seemingly easy solutions.

I know it has been mentioned thatyour forum is open, but not everybody was aware of that.

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one eyed jack
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Re: How common are fake certs?

Post by one eyed jack »

Fair point Dylan but all they had to do was go there and see there is a general forum for everyone to post on with regards all matters UK porn and is just as good for new people to go there considering a lot of producers actually look there as well.

Thanks for pointing that out though

On another note, we felt somethings were best discussed there so we didnt flout any of the rules laid out here on the FAQs ie industry issues such as this and much more.

Its more aimed at industry so producers and talent can keep in contact but fans, newbies and amateurs are welcome too...Thats why we set up Porn School
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Re: How common are fake certs?

Post by bigAl »

Thanks for sharing that Terry.

Interesting listening and Part 1 pretty much sums up my thoughts on the subject.

Only point that possibly didn't come across fully (unless I missed it) is that when a producer operates in circumstances where he is an "employer", then EL insurance is a compulsory requirement - the Maximum penalty for non compliance being 14 years in jail and an unlimited fine.

one eyed jack
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Re: How common are fake certs?

Post by one eyed jack »

Thank you very much Big Al. You are the first to say something I didnt know on this and would welcome your stating this on the forum if you could as a lot of producers dont read the BGAFD (so Im told) but the word gets passed around quicker on the producers forum.

Thank you very much. i think it did come up about the insurance but I was not aware of the penalty and I think the satellit eshows should pay particular attention to it and I hear they even have their own association of sorts
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Re: How common are fake certs?

Post by videokim »

Is it deliberate that there is no response to the dangers of medications & cert tests? i no its something everyone wants to avoid but insurance, data bases etc will not be worth a light without these dangers being addressed, a questionaire as i said asking people the medication they have been on & getting them to sign it will take libility away from the clinics & producers if a case of masked certs comes up.
Its scarey to think people are running around with certs that are useless.

Kim x
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one eyed jack
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Re: How common are fake certs?

Post by one eyed jack »

Thanks for that too Kim. Not sure if that did come up as it was awhile ago and why dont you post on UKAP?
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