Always wondered....... !!

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Dave Wells

Re: Always wondered....... !!

Post by Dave Wells »

Most distributors in the States know that any tape will sell about 4000 ( yes thats all folks ) they all release every month so absolutely flooding a saturated market. Anyway it's the box cover that sells the film to the punter not the movie. And this is my point - the distributors know that if the punter gets home and dislikes the product 90% WILL be back to buy again. The guys at Primetime are very good friends of mine and I don't blame them for there stance. It seems to be a dying business as is ( i.e. video/dvd and magazines ). So I wonder where it is heading as I can't see it dying completly. Answers on a postcard please ?
Steve Stevenage

Re: Always wondered....... !!slightly O/T?

Post by Steve Stevenage »

Had to add my tuppence worth-that dates me! The top French producers,eg Marc Dorcel, aim to sell 5-10k at first pressing mainly by doing a reciprocal deal with US distributors where they are dubbed with US voices and in return take a US studios films and dub them into French. This however allows bigger budgets, good locations, an original story line and excellent costumes and several stars-( inc one or two Brits eg Sarah Young- providing they can be signed up to do six films before their prices start to rise ! Now everyone is dicounting VHS as DVD takes off. This is good for UK punters as the format is better than secam !
We Brits seem to spurn anything except gonzo "viewers wives"type standard that seems more realistic to the average punter.But also the French can do deals with Channel Plus and others when sales start to slow down. The new relaxed censorship UK laws should have opened a new market viz. Spain after Franco.
But of course that would be too simple and to be sold legally they have to approved with an R18 certificate- and which foreign producer is going to through all the burocracy that entails !
Officer Dibble

Re: Always wondered....... !!

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Anyway it's the box cover that sells the film to the punter not the movie."

That's what I keep tellin' Gary at PrimeTime - I can' put as many of his tittles in my mags simply because his box covers are shit. When they first kicked off they would use the original American artwork created by some of the finest digital artists in the world - highly individual attention grabbing video sleeves that gave each movie a different theme and made it stand out from the crowd. Then about twelve months ago the quality of their DVD sleeves took a nosedive - horrible samey looking covers with really crap hardcore screen grabs taken from the video. When I pulled them up about this they said they had to do it because that is what sex shop (their main market) managers wanted because the knob heads who came in their shops wouldn?t believe it was hardcore unless it had some low quality picture of cock sucking and gapping assholes on the cover! Fucking philistines!

Why do the British prefer shit sandwiches to bacon sarnies? - It?s the culture. The cheap, nasty and naff is celebrated by The Sport, The Sun, all the rest of the tabloid press and also commercial TV. We?re satisfied eating crap food, watching crap films, wearing crap clothes (when did you last see a well dressed girl?) and listening to crap music. This sorry state of affairs will continue until it is pointed out that all this stuff is crap and that those who collude in this orgy off naffness (by buying these products) are no-taste, no-style, knob heads. However, that may take a while as there are huge commercial interests involved in selling us pap and, understandably, those interests wish to maintain the status quo.

Of course the business won't die completely but many of us are looking round for a clue as to which way we might head from here... A malaise is descending upon porn and popular culture as a whole - I for one can't accept it and feel a desire to stick the boot (metaphorical or otherwise) in anyone who is helping this process along.

Officer Dibble.
jj in Happy Valley

Re: Always wondered....... !!

Post by jj in Happy Valley »

My God, you'd make Leonard Cohen weep.
Do you go to a lot of funerals?

Re: Always wondered....... !!

Post by Keith »

Dibble, what planet are you living on?

Over the last twelve months I've bought some incredible music, seen some terrific films, watched some amazing porn, and I live less than twnety minutes away from fabulous food from all over the world.

If you can't find something to your taste in popular culture it's either laziness or ineptitude.

o/t Re: Always wondered....... !!

Post by buttsie »

Ever get the feeling the Good Officer is stuck in Ground Hog Day
and the year is somewhere between 1970 & 1980


PS Leonard Cohen...what a shocker..I know someone who actually thinks hes funny

Re: Always wondered....... !!

Post by steve56 »

attn keith:you were probaly in the right place at the right time it happens sometimes
Officer Dibble

Re: Always wondered....... !!

Post by Officer Dibble »

I'm sure you have Keith, and yes, so have I. But what I'm talking about is the stuff that is in the general consciousness of society at large. Big Bruver, Popstars, Poptarts, Cilla, Will & Gareth, McDonalds, Pot Noodles, Scream Part Umpteen, and any British porn movie made in the last twelve months in a Travelodge on the A12 with bland, unappealing looking performers simply going through the motions.

Yes, the good stuff is still there, but the mainstream media does not celebrate it. So if any aliens were to land on earth tomorrow and have a quick shuffty round they would assume that all the tripe I motioned above ? and there?s loads that I didn?t ? are predominant strands of our contempary culture. And they?d be right.

If you look at what we have today and compare it with the huge explosion of art, creativity and social change we experienced in the 60?s and 70?s you?ll see that things are pretty much stagnant or going to pot, being sieved down to the lowest common denominator.


Re: Always wondered....... !!

Post by Keith »

Well I was around in the 60s and 70s, and there are far more interesting things happening in art, music, dance, drama, TV and film now than there ever was then. And my memory is that the general consciousness of society at large was even less informed then than it is now.

And to keep it on topic, porn is significantly better - and legally available.

You seem to be lost in the historical meanderings of your own imagination.

Re: Always wondered....... !!

Post by alec »

Porn legally available, true. Significantly better - in my opinion no way. Infinitely worse, if you are not looking only at British porn, but at American, French, Italian, German porn from the 70s. I suggest you try watching some. It's all in the eye of the beholder though, I suppose, but the point is it should also get to the *mind* of the beholder. I just acquired a batch of old tapes and the most erotic film was the least hard core - La Zia Svedese starring Marina Frajese, but it was a real turn on in a way which modern producers have forgotten how to achieve, don't have the money to achieve, or never knew how to achieve.