Porn - Healthy or sad?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by Matt »

Yep, me too. I think we are becoming more and more un-hypocritical. Why should I pretend to be someone I'm not just because I wish to pander to my perception of what other people think of me? I couldn't give a toss. I enjoy porn and I'm happy to tell anyone interested.

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by Rebekah »

After reading all the above i decided to look at myself and my reactions, now every time anyone asks me what i do, i usually reply with im "an adult entertainer" then juding from there response i can tell if it is going to lead into conversation, if they ask more i tell them and then let them decide for themselves whether i lead a good life that makes me happy, or they put me in the disgusting filthy whore catagory, in the case of the latter being a little fiesty at times i have been known to react( only on very rare occasions and it wasn't without due cause) but at the same time if people dont ask or respond then i respect that they dont need details and we both go our merry ways.

The only exception to this rule is my mum and this is where it gets tricky, and as i havent been brought up to lie its no fun anyway my mum knows i do strip-tease shows, she knows i do magazines and she knows i do "soft-core" work for the sattalite channels honest mum it is all simulated im not really being fucked in the ass while at the same time dildo fucking that girl
but she doesn't know i do hardcore, my reason for this is that there are somethings a mum doesnt need to know and this is one of them, deep down im sure she knows but it isnt something i hope to talk to her about over lunch! so by the above reasoning and all ive read, we all tend to be a little hypocritical at times, but not as much as all those who say porn is bad cos they all use some form of pornography at some point if only they admit it.

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by woodgnome »

hmm. wonder why your mum nicknamed you kinky from early age? perhaps a mothers eye sees things, even if she wouldn't want to particularly dwell on them. anyway, the only worthwhile form of love is the unconditional variety, in my experience. mum's tend to be rather big on that sort.

the french are supposed to be a lot less hung up about the whole sex thing than anglo-saxons but they also have a very strict cultural and civic code of privacy, which means that your less likely to get a tv crew sticking it's nose into your business, in the first place.

we are becoming less hypocritical as a people, with regards to sex in all sorts of ways but on an individual, day to day basis, things tends to shift in varying shades of grey rather than quantum leaps of black and white!

and your right to say that we all use pornography rebekah, because of course, porn first made it's appearance in the mind not on the page. we're all pornographers in that sense. it's in our nature!

don't mind one of your vids to help me along tho'! ;-)
Chimp rythmes with gimp

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by Chimp rythmes with gimp »

Well everyone's got their view on such a contensious issue such as this as they have on abortion, use (or should that be misuse......what the hell is misuse???? how can u misuse things?? ok maybe using the blender to change a tyre) of drugs and the death penalty, unfortunately many being misinformed about things (thank you general media, once again, for giving ppl the information to form blinkered views) with the rest basing their opinions in how it was 'in their day' (3 day week anyone??)

but then again 'what the fuck' cos

1) it's my first post

2) I'm under Rebekah Jordan......whooohooooRebekah wrote:
> After reading all the above i decided to look at myself and
> my reactions, now every time anyone asks me what i do, i
> usually reply with im "an adult entertainer" then juding from
> there response i can tell if it is going to lead into
> conversation, if they ask more i tell them and then let them
> decide for themselves whether i lead a good life that makes
> me happy, or they put me in the disgusting filthy whore
> catagory, in the case of the latter being a little fiesty at
> times i have been known to react( only on very rare occasions
> and it wasn't without due cause) but at the same time if
> people dont ask or respond then i respect that they dont need
> details and we both go our merry ways.
> The only exception to this rule is my mum and this is where
> it gets tricky, and as i havent been brought up to lie its no
> fun anyway my mum knows i do strip-tease shows, she knows i
> do magazines and she knows i do "soft-core" work for the
> sattalite channels honest mum it is all simulated im not
> really being fucked in the ass while at the same time dildo
> fucking that girl
> but she doesn't know i do hardcore, my reason for this is
> that there are somethings a mum doesnt need to know and this
> is one of them, deep down im sure she knows but it isnt
> something i hope to talk to her about over lunch! so by the
> above reasoning and all ive read, we all tend to be a little
> hypocritical at times, but not as much as all those who say
> porn is bad cos they all use some form of pornography at some
> point if only they admit it.
Chimp rhyms with gimp

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by Chimp rhyms with gimp »

ooooops.............rythms with gimp

How poor is my typing skills??? I suppose another beer won't help!!!!!

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by Otis »

Thing is, it's not really hypocritical to be upfront about porn but not with your mum. The primal instincts that make us want to fuck (and make us react so spectacularly to looking at other people fucking) come from the same place as the instinct to be repulsed by the thought of our parents/children having or even thinking about having sex. All genetic programming. So it's only natural. Besides, my mum found a copy of "Vibrations" magazine (remember that?) in my bedside drawer when I was 15 and she cried for 3 days, so there's no more point me telling her about my video collection than me offering her a spliff. Deep down parents know that their hopes for their kids aren't necessarily gonna have anything to do with their kids' own personality, or what their kids want to do with their lives. All they really ask is that you don't rub their noses in it.

And yeah, everyone uses pornography of some sort, even if it's just replaying an old shag in your mind's eye late at night. But people's attitude to h/c isn't usually "how could you want to watch something that turns you on", it's "how could you want to watch THAT??" - ie actual hardcore porn is either too graphic to be sexy (some people's personal taste), or it's evil or sexist or whatever. If you ask me they're all ignorant, or secretly like that guy quoted in the book "Pornocopia" by Laurence O'Toole - which everyone here should read - who claimed that amateur couples videos are still sexist and degrading to women because no woman would ever want to be filmed or watched having sex, so they can't possibly have given consent. When he was assured that they have all given consent, and are often the one who wanted to do it in the first place, he openly questioned the sanity of these women. And it's porn that's supposed to be degrading to women? Jesus!

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by woodgnome »

sidenote: my 80 year old dad took me to one side, when i last visited and asked me if i could score him some mary-jane!! his thinking was that, as he's reaching the end of the line, he might as well go out in a puff of smoke, so to speak!!

the funny thing is, his OLDER sister, my aunt molly, made exactly the same request to me a year earlier!! sadly, she passed away a few months later, before i could come through for her. i will not be failing my old man, in the same way!! (sob!)

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by Rebekah »

no woman could want to be watched or filmed having sex!!!!!!!! this is the main reason i do this for a living so it shows how much that twat knows!! i dont mean u otis i mean Laurence the fool!!

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by JHseeker »

....."A caller says 'The FBI have evidence that 75% of serial Killers are very interested in porn'".....

aren't more than 75% of ALL men interested in porn?!!! My conclusion is that Serial Killers are too busy a-hackin and a-slayin' to check it out.

Anyway, surely there can't be 25% of the population in The School Chess Club?
Phil McC

Re: Porn - Healthy or sad?

Post by Phil McC »

Apparantly 95% of adults wank and the other 5% are liars,
As for the interviewer in the street story this is the main reason I have backed Violet Storm she would answer possitive and not only doesn't care about the publicity she acctualy wants it. How many UK Pornstars want to go in main stream mags or TV and tell the world they are proud of the fact they acctualy do fuck on film and love it...Layla is another and good luck to her,

Phil McC