Summary of responses to BNP lies/half truths

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Re: Summary of responses to BNP lies/half truths

Post by Russ »

So if 7/7 could be described as the Muslims bombings, would you say that the IRA campaign of terrorism in the UK was a Christian Campaign of terror?

No faith justifies terrorism, terrorism is bred by oppression. I'm Muslim, but I'm English, I've served in Afghanstan (in the RAF in case you were wondering), and I work in the health service.

Your ignorance is offensive.

David Johnson
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Re: Summary of responses to BNP lies/half truths

Post by David Johnson »

After George Bush, I've never trusted a single Christian. Stands to reason, they all must be a bit dodgy.
And that Richard Nixon, he was a Christian.
There, I've proved my case, those Christians are trying to bomb the rest of the world into submission as part of their evil religion.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Yep, I'm taking a leaf out of your book.
All your posts are comedy turns. Aren't they?
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Summary of responses to BNP lies/half truths

Post by arseneltic »

Some good people follow a bad religion,your humanity rises above your religion.Mohammed and his followers have killed more innocent people from the paedophile's day to the present day than anybody else in history.Forget about Stalin,Hitler,Pollpot,Mao, Mohammed has out butchered them all.
Muslim as the name implies are submissive and submissive people are easily lied to and manipulated.Muslim's who claim to love allah don't really love him but are terrified of his vengence(evil bastard).
I hope you and other muslim's can free yourself from islam and in turn the rest of us infidel's may be free from islamic terror.
Mabye you disagree with me referring to your"prophet" as a paedophile but tell me your definition and see how does it differ from his treatment of his niece and wife Aisha.

tom green
David Johnson
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Re: Summary of responses to BNP lies/half truths

Post by David Johnson »

Your knowledge of history is a tad suspect. To argue that followers of Islam have been responsible for more deaths than members of the Christian religion, I suspect would be difficult to prove.
If your post is not to be totally dismissed as illiterate, racist drivel, show us some proof.
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Re: Summary of responses to BNP lies/half truths

Post by arseneltic »

List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 2 Months

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2009.11.09 Thailand Yala 1 1 A young Buddhist man collecting plants is brutally ambushed and killed by Religion of Peace advocates.
2009.11.09 Philippines Jolo 1 0 Abu Sayyaf militants cut the head off of a local school principal and leave it in a paper bag at a gas station.
2009.11.09 Pakistan Peshawar 3 5 A woman and a rickshaw driver are among three people blown up by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2009.11.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists shoot and kill a 53-year-old riding home on his motorcycle.
2009.11.08 Somalia Hodon 2 8 Two civilians are killed during an attack by Islamic militia.
2009.11.08 Pakistan Mattani 12 36 A Fedayeen suicide bomber strikes a packed market, blasting at least a dozen innocents to death.
2009.11.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Mujahideen gun down an oil company worker.
2009.11.08 Iraq Kut 1 0 A young woman is kidnapped, bound and shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2009.11.08 Thailand Pattani 2 3 A young man eating in a restaurant is among two people killed in separate Mujahid shootings.
2009.11.08 India Rajouri 2 1 A man and his wife are murdered in their home by intruding Islamic gunmen.
2009.11.07 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Religious extremists blow up a vehicle carrying local soldiers, killing three.
2009.11.07 Pakistan Hangu 3 2 Islamic hardliners attack a local military base with rockets, killing three.
2009.11.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 3 An al-Qaeda bombing leaves one dead.
2009.11.07 Yemen Al Khubah 4 36 Shiite rebels reportedly shell a residential area, killing four women from the same family.
2009.11.06 Pakistan Hangu 1 4 A policeman is gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
2009.11.06 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 Sunni fundamentalists shoot a barber to death.
2009.11.06 Iraq Rashad 1 0 Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen take down an Iraqi.
2009.11.06 Somalia Merca 1 0 A 33-year-old man is brutally stoned to death for adultery. The execution takes about seven minutes.
2009.11.05 Philippines Zamboanga 2 8 Two people are killed when suspected Islamists fire into a commuter bus.
2009.11.05 USA Ft. Hood, TX 13 31 A Muslim psychiatrist yelling 'Allah Akbar' murders thirteen unarmed U.S. soldiers on their base in Texas.
2009.11.04 Pakistan Bajaur 2 2 Two female schoolteachers are brutally shot to death by Taliban extremists.
2009.11.03 Afghanistan Helmand 5 8 A Taliban gunmen disguised as a policeman suddenly opens fire at a police base, killing five British soldiers in cold blood.
2009.11.03 Saudi Arabia Jazan 1 0 Islamic rebels gun down a security officer "with the support and assistance of Allah."
2009.11.03 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 0 Mujahid bombers wipe out a family of three, including a girl.
2009.11.03 Yemen Hadramut 8 0 al-Qadea militants open fire on a vehicle, machine-gunning eight people to death.
2009.11.02 Pakistan Lahore 0 25 Twenty-five people are injured when a suicide bomber detonates along a city street.
2009.11.02 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two men riding in a pickup truck are shot to death by a terrorist disguised in a burka.
2009.11.02 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two security personnel are gunned down by Muslim rebels in separate attacks.
2009.11.02 Iraq Khanaqin 2 0 A man and his son are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2009.11.02 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two men are killed in a Religion of Peace drive-by.
2009.11.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists break into a house and murder a villager.
2009.11.02 USA Glendale, AZ 1 1 A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too 'Westernized.'
2009.11.02 Pakistan Rawalpindi 36 63 Fundamentalists set off a massive bomb near a line of people outside a bank, putting down at least thirty-five.
2009.11.01 Philippines Banisilan 1 2 Moro Islamists ambush a car carrying civilians, shooting at least one to death.
2009.11.01 Iraq Mussayab 9 38 Jihadis rig a bicycle with explosives, then set it off in a market, killing at least nine innocents.
2009.11.01 Iraq Ramadi 3 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes down three Iraqis.
2009.11.01 Dagestan Bavtugai 1 0 A local mosque official is assassinated by extremists.
2009.11.01 Somalia Lascanood 5 4 Suspected Shabaab radicals blow up a car with five people inside.
2009.11.01 India Srinagar 2 0 Islamists murder two traffic cops in a hit-and-run surprise attack at an intersection.
2009.11.01 Iraq Karbala 3 15 Terrorists plant a bomb on a bus that leaves three people dead.
2009.10.31 Pakistan Bara 7 12 Lashkar-e-Islam members use a roadside bomber to murder seven security personnel.
2009.10.31 Philippines Sulu 1 4 Moro Islamists open fire on a passing patrol, killing at least one.
2009.10.31 Pakistan Khyber 2 7 Sunni hardliners blow up a girls' school and mortar a residential neighborhood, killing two civilians.
2009.10.31 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists kidnap a local man, handcuff him, then shoot him in the head.
2009.10.30 Afghanistan Nangarhar 9 0 All nine civilians riding in a taxi are slaughtered by Taliban bombers.
2009.10.30 Pakistan Pir Sarhandi Goth 1 0 An older homosexual man is pulled from his home and beaten to death by a Muslim mob.
2009.10.30 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Mujahideen bombers murder a government official.
2009.10.30 Iraq Tikrit 1 0 A young man has his throat slashed by Sunni militants.
2009.10.30 Thailand Yala 1 1 A Buddhist woman is brutally shot to death, and her husband is seriously injured, by Muslim radicals.
2009.10.29 Iraq Baquba 1 2 A civilian is taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber outside a hospital.
2009.10.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 A child is among four Afghan civilians torn to pieces by an Islamist bomb.
2009.10.29 Iraq Mosul 3 1 Sunni gunmen murder three Iraqi policemen at point-blank range.
2009.10.28 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two civilians are gunned down in separate Muslim drive-bys.
2009.10.28 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 Three women sitting on a minibus are blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
2009.10.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 78-year-old Buddhist man is shot off his motorbike by Muslim terrorists.
2009.10.28 Iraq Mosul 3 5 Mujahideen kill three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2009.10.28 Afghanistan Kabul 9 9 Mujahideen force their way into a UN guesthouse, where they murder nine people, including six international workers.
2009.10.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a Buddhist motorcycle shop owner to death, then set fire to his body.
2009.10.28 Pakistan Peshawar 117 200 Over one-hundred people - mostly women and children - are blown to bits by a massive car bomb blast at a busy market.
2009.10.27 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 Taliban radicals shoot a man to death while he is sitting in his shop.
2009.10.27 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 Jihadis blow up an oil tanker, killing the two drivers.
2009.10.27 Iraq Baiji 1 0 Terrorists attack a bomb to a car which kills an 11-year-old boy trying to remove it.
2009.10.27 Pakistan Mohmand 2 3 Religious extremists attack a police post, killing two officers.
2009.10.26 Iraq Karbalah 4 12 A suicide bomber sends four souls to Allah.
2009.10.26 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Dedicated Muslims gun down two Buddhist civilians looking for food.
2009.10.26 Iraq Mosul 2 2 Mujahideen gunmen murder two civilians.
2009.10.25 Iraq Baghdad 160 540 Two massive car bombs take out one-hundred and sixty Iraqis standing near or in government buildings. The dead include 30 children at a day care center. The Islamic State of Iraq takes responsibility.
2009.10.25 Somalia Merca 2 0 Two men are shot to death by al-Shabaab militants
2009.10.25 Yemen Dalea 2 3 Two local soldiers are gunned down in a suspected sectarian ambush.
2009.10.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists gun down a farmer in his field.
2009.10.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist working as a janitor is shot to death by Muslim militants at a tea shop.
2009.10.24 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A police officer is killed by a Fedayeen bomber.
2009.10.24 Iraq Tikrit 2 7 A suicide bomber takes out seven at a political headquarters.
2009.10.23 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 23-year-old man is murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2009.10.23 Pakistan South Waziristan 18 6 Eighteen people in a wedding party, mostly children, perish in a horrific bombing attack on a minibus.
2009.10.23 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 3 Islamic radicals bomb a family in their vehicle, killing two members.
2009.10.23 Thailand Yala 2 1 Two men are murdered by Mujahideen gunmen, one in his home.
2009.10.23 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 29-year-old villager is shot in the head by Muslim militants.
2009.10.23 Pakistan Peshawar 0 15 Islamists car bomb a restaurant, injuring fifteen people.
2009.10.23 Pakistan Kamra 8 17 A Fedayeen pedals to paradise, taking eight others with him in the suicide blast outside an aeronautical complex.
2009.10.22 Somalia Mogadishu 18 60 Islamic militia mortar an airport, killing at least eighteen innocents.
2009.10.22 Ingushetia Nazran 1 2 Islamists kill the driver of a police vehicle with a roadside bomb.
2009.10.22 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a man to death inside his home.
2009.10.22 Pakistan Islamabad 2 0 Talibanis assassinate a brigadier and his driver in broad daylight in the capital.
2009.10.22 Algeria Kabylia 7 2 Seven security personnel are cut down by automatic weapons at close range while they are riding a bus.
2009.10.21 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A girl and her father are murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2009.10.21 Iraq Bousef 2 0 A man and woman are gunned down by Sunni militants.
2009.10.21 Iraq Iskandariya 2 12 Jihadis bomb a livestock market, killing at least two attendees.
2009.10.21 Thailand Narathiwat 3 2 A woman is among three construction workers murdered by Mujahideen.
2009.10.21 Philippines Patikul 1 2 Abu Sayyaf members plant a bomb near a water pipe which kills an inspector.
2009.10.21 Iraq Kirkuk 2 1 A shopkeeper and journalist are killed in separate attacks.
2009.10.21 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two men are gunned down by Islamic militants in separate attacks.
2009.10.20 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists shoot a 57-year-old man to death inside his construction shop.
2009.10.20 Pakistan Islamabad 6 29 Two suicide bombers attack a women's university about a minute apart, leaving six students and staff dead.
2009.10.20 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two men are kidnapped and murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2009.10.20 Pakistan Orakzai 2 0 Two young police recruits are abducted and shot to death in captivity by hardliners.
2009.10.20 USA Peoria, AZ 0 2 A Muslim immigrant runs down his 20-year-old daughter with his car for being too 'Westernized.' She and another woman are injured.
2009.10.20 Iraq Saqlawiya 4 12 Four people are murdered when Mujahideen set off a car bomb at a gas station.
2009.10.19 Thailand Yala 0 28 Islamic militants set off a bomb at a packed market, injuring over two dozen.
2009.10.19 Somalia Galkayo 1 0 A Christian woman is murdered by Islamists inside her home for refusing to wear a veil.
2009.10.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 13 Jihadis bomb a restaurant and a minibus, killing at least four innocents.
2009.10.18 Iran Pisheen 42 25 A suicidal Sunni from the 'Soldiers of God' group detonates in a gymnasium, slaughtering nearly fifty people.
2009.10.18 Iraq Adhamiya 8 29 Mujahideen set off two bombs in commercial areas, sending eight civilians to Allah.
2009.10.18 Iraq Mosul 1 5 Muslim gunmen take down a child in a drive-by.
2009.10.18 India Poonch 1 0 A local soldier is murdered when terrorists plant a landmine in the road.
2009.10.18 Iraq Baghdad 5 16 Five patrons at a cafe are blown to bits by a bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2009.10.18 Egypt Attaleen 1 0 Muslims gun down a 61-year-old Christian whose son was dating a Muslim girl.
2009.10.17 Pakistan FATA 3 6 Three local soldiers are killed in a bomb set by religious extremists.
2009.10.17 Iraq Mosul 4 4 A child is among four people cut down by Islamic militants in separate attacks.
2009.10.17 Iraq Falluja 4 10 Mujahideen set off a roadside bomb, killing four local security personnel.
2009.10.16 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A young policeman is gunned down in an Islamist drive-by.
2009.10.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A local soldier standing guard is murdered by a suicide bomber.
2009.10.16 Iraq Tal Afar 15 70 A suicide bomber at a rival mosque yell's 'Allah Akbar', then opens up on worshippers with a machine-gun before detonating, leaving at least fifteen dead in the massacre.
2009.10.16 Pakistan Peshawar 15 24 Two girls are among fifteen innocents incinerated by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2009.10.15 Pakistan Peshawar 1 12 A 6-year-old child is blown apart by a remote-controlled car bomb along a city street.
2009.10.15 Pakistan Kohat 11 16 Eleven people are murdered when a Fedayeen car bomber plows into a crowd.
2009.10.15 Pakistan Lahore 28 67 Shahid suicide attackers brutally assault two police academies, killing nearly thirty people.
2009.10.14 Iraq Karbala 6 45 Sunni bombers strike three groups of praying Shias in separate attacks, leaving a half-dozen dead.
2009.10.14 Afghanistan Zabul 2 6 Religious extremists kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2009.10.14 Pakistan Sherazi Mohalla 1 0 A man is stabbed to death in front of his wife and child by his in-laws for marrying without permission.
2009.10.13 Somalia Mogadishu 4 11 Four people are killed when Hizbul Islam terrorists ambush government troops.
2009.10.13 Iraq Baquba 6 10 A Shahid detonates himself in a cafe, killing at least six others.
2009.10.12 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Shia man is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2009.10.12 Iraq Abu Khamis 2 2 Terrorists target the mayor of a town with a bomb, killing two of his sons instead.
2009.10.12 Iraq Buhriz 4 5 Jihadi bombers take out four Iraqis in multiple attacks.
2009.10.12 Pakistan Alpuri 41 45 A 12-year-old suicide bomber slaughters forty-one people at a crowded market.
2009.10.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants murder a 37-year-old civilian sitting in a tea shop.
2009.10.11 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A cattle rancher is shot to death in his field by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2009.10.11 Thailand Yala 1 0 A butcher on his way home is gunned down by Islamists.
2009.10.11 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A university student is among two civilians murdered by the terror group, Islamic State of Iraq.
2009.10.11 Iraq Ramadi 19 80 Three horrific bombings, one at a hospital, leave nineteen innocents dead.
2009.10.10 Pakistan Khuzdar 2 0 Suspected Islamists machine-gun two truck drivers to death.
2009.10.10 Somalia Kismayo 25 41 Twenty-five people are killed when Hizbul Islam hard-liners attack their rivals.
2009.10.10 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A young policeman is murdered by Taliban bombers.
2009.10.10 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 al-Shabaab militants shoot a man to death at a market.
2009.10.10 Pakistan Rawalpindi 9 0 Islamic militants storm a security headquarters, killing six officers in the siege and three more taken hostage.
2009.10.10 Somalia Afgoye 1 0 A Hizbul Islam leader is gunned down by Islamic rivals.
2009.10.09 Chechnya Grozny 1 3 Islamic insurgents fire an RPG at a police post, killing one officer.
2009.10.09 Afghanistan Kabul 2 4 Two Polish soldiers assisting a road construction project are killed by Taliban bombers.
2009.10.09 Iraq Saqlawiya 3 0 al-Qaeda bombers murder a cleric and two of his associates on their way home.
2009.10.09 Pakistan Peshawar 52 100 Over fifty innocent civilians at a market are incinerated by a dedicated Sunni suicide car bomber.
2009.10.09 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 al-Shabaab militants shoot three rivals to death.
2009.10.09 Afghanistan Paktia 6 3 A suicide bomber murders six guards at a road construction project.
2009.10.08 Iraq Yusufiya 3 10 Suspected Islamists set off a bomb outside a shop, killing three civilians.
2009.10.08 Iraq Jalawla 2 4 Two Iraqis are murdered by Jihadi bombers.
2009.10.08 Afghanistan Kabul 17 76 A suicide bomber detonates outside the Indian embassy, ending the lives of seventeen innocents.
2009.10.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 0 Taliban bombers take out three local cops.
2009.10.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 9 Two civilians are killed when Mujahideen toss a grenade at a hospital.
2009.10.07 Iraq Shirqat 3 0 The tortured bodies of three kidnapped police officers are found.
2009.10.07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Islamists shoot two men to death, one as he is driving his child to school.
2009.10.06 Thailand Narathiwat 4 42 Islamic militants kill four civilians in separate bombings, including a Buddhist woman at a restaurant.
2009.10.06 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 25 Taliban militants rocket a passenger bus, killing two men.
2009.10.06 Iraq Amiriyeh 7 25 Terrorists set off a bus bomb near a mosque, killing at least seven Iraqis along the crowded street.
2009.10.05 Pakistan Islamabad 5 6 Two women are among five people killed when a suicide bomber detonates at a UN World Food Program office.
2009.10.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 17 Islamists gun down a laborer and also set off a bomb at a Buddhist festival.
2009.10.05 Iraq Haditha 6 15 A half-dozen funeral mourners are blown to bits by a suicide bomber.
2009.10.05 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 The tortured body of a Christian businessman is discovered three days after being kidnapped by Muslims.
2009.10.05 Philippines Jolo 1 1 Abu Sayyaf shot a guard for a bridge construction crew to death.
2009.10.05 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 10-year-old boy is taken out by a bomb hidden in a garbage can.
2009.10.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A villager is shot in the neck and then set on fire by Religion of Peace separatists.
2009.10.04 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A 55-year-old Christian nurse is kidnapped and tortured to death by Religion of Peace militants.
2009.10.04 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A woman is shot to death in an 'honor killing.'
2009.10.04 Somalia Kismayo 8 14 Eight people are killed when rival Islamic hardliners clash.
2009.10.04 India Srinagar 1 0 Muslim cops kill a Hindu boy for marrying a Muslim girl.
2009.10.04 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 A truck driver is among two people killed in two Jihad bombings.
2009.10.03 Afghanistan Kunduz 4 20 Four civilians at a market are blown to bits by a Taliban planted bomb.
2009.10.03 Pakistan Islamabad 1 2 Three Hindu men are abducted, one of whom is murdered in captivity.
2009.10.03 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A beheaded woman is among three people killed by terrorists in three incidents.
2009.10.03 Pakistan Bajur 2 0 A tribal elder and a civilian are murdered separately by Muslim extremists.
2009.10.03 Afghanistan Wardak 2 0 An Islamic militant dressed as a local soldier shoots two American troops to death as they sleep.
2009.10.02 Iraq Diyala 2 0 A barber is among two people taken down by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2009.10.02 Afghanistan Kunar 1 3 Taliban extremists attack a group of trucks, killing one of the drivers.
2009.10.02 Russia Kabardino-Balkaria 1 3 Muslim gunmen kill a police officer in a drive-by.
2009.10.02 Somalia Mogadishu 6 15 Six people are killed when Muslim radicals mortar a main market.
2009.10.02 Somalia Kismayo 22 70 Civilians are among the two dozen people killed when Islamic factions clash.
2009.10.02 Iraq Shurouq 1 4 Terrorists plant a bomb at a mosque, killing an imam who also worked as a policeman.
2009.10.02 India Sopore 1 0 A civilian is killed by religious militants.
2009.10.02 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A middle-aged Buddhist man is among two people murdered separately by Muslim gunmen.
2009.10.02 Pakistan Mardan 2 0 Islamic radicals murder two local police.
2009.10.01 Somalia Mogadishu 5 6 Islamists shell a vegetable market, killing five civilians, including women.
2009.09.30 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A local village head is murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2009.09.30 Philippines Jolo 3 2 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill three soldiers riding in a vehicle, including two American seamen.
2009.09.30 Pal. Auth. Hebron 1 0 A 16-year-old is strangled by her family in an honor killing.
2009.09.30 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A family man who sheltered a Chinese engineer who escaped from the Taliban is murdered.
2009.09.30 India Bandipora 1 0 Islamic militants storm a home and murder a resident.
2009.09.30 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Mujahideen plant a bomb under a car, killing a man and injuring his wife.
2009.09.30 Iraq Baghdad 1 8 A university student is murdered by Jihad bus bombers.
2009.09.30 Iraq Mahmudiya 3 1 Three Iraqi police are gunned down point-blank by Sunni ambushers at a checkpoint.
2009.09.29 Somalia Kismayo 1 0 A local businessman is assassinated by Islamists.
2009.09.29 Somalia Mogadishu 8 6 Eight civilians are killed during an ambush by Islamic militia.
2009.09.29 India Baramulla 3 2 Islamic militants cut down three police standing guard at a bus station.
2009.09.29 Thailand Pattani 2 2 A Buddhist woman is among two people killed when Islamic 'insurgents' spray a home with automatic weapons fire.
2009.09.29 Iraq Baghdad 18 55 At least eighteen Iraqis are killed in multiple terror attacks around the country.
2009.09.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic radicals gun down a civilian in a drive-by.
2009.09.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 30 39 Ten children and seven women are among thirty people killed when religious extremists bomb a passenger bus.
2009.09.28 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Islamic separatists murder two civilians in their home.
2009.09.28 Iraq Baghdad 5 28 Vicious back-to-back bombings leave five Iraqis dead.
2009.09.28 Iraq Ramadi 7 16 Seven people are murdered when a Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates along a city street.
2009.09.28 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two villagers are gunned down by Muslim militants.
2009.09.28 Afghanistan Kunar 6 0 Six civilians traveling in a car are massacred by Taliban bombers.
2009.09.28 Iraq Tal Afar 4 0 Four Kurds are captured and executed by al-Qaeda.
2009.09.28 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 5 Islamic radicals fire rockets into a military base, killing two local soldiers.
2009.09.28 Pakistan Orakzai 1 0 A man is abducted and killed by Islamic terrorists.
2009.09.28 Pakistan Bannu 4 0 Four people are incinerated by a suicide bomber.
2009.09.28 Somalia Marerey 1 0 A 46-year-old Christian woman is shot to death by Islamists after being found with Bibles.
2009.09.28 Iraq Diwaniyah 3 5 Jihadis bomb a minibus, killing three passengers.
2009.09.28 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two 'enemies of Allah' are executed at a livestock market.
2009.09.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Suspected Muslim insurgents stab a man to death.
2009.09.28 Jordan Amman 1 0 A 40-year-old divorced mother of five is stabbed fifteen times by her brothers for having a 'bad reputation.'
2009.09.28 India Pulwama 1 0 A young woman is cut down by Lashkar-e-Toiba gunmen.
2009.09.27 Thailand Yala 1 1 A man visiting his brother's grave is murdered by Muslim bombers.
2009.09.27 Iraq Ramadi 4 8 A Shahid suicide bomber blasts four Iraqis to death outside a police station.
2009.09.27 Afghanistan Herat 4 17 Four civilians are blown to bits by a motorcycle suicide bomber.
2009.09.27 Afghanistan Farah 5 0 Taliban bombers take out five civilians traveling in a car.
2009.09.27 Pakistan Sargodha 2 0 A man shoots his teen daughter and her lover to death in the name of honor.
2009.09.27 Afghanistan Badghis 1 0 An 'enemy of Allah' is hanged by Sunni hardliners.
2009.09.27 Chechnya Stary Achkoi 2 0 Muslim gunmen murder a man and his son as they are sitting in their car.
2009.09.26 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An off-duty policeman is shot to death by Sunni terrorists.
2009.09.26 Pakistan Peshawar 11 94 Eleven people outside a bank are murdered by a Jihad car bomb.
2009.09.26 Pakistan Bannu 13 64 A truck bomber detonates outside a police station, killing thirteen people on the street, including a young child.
2009.09.26 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A man and his wife are brutally gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2009.09.25 Afghanistan Herat 4 0 The Taliban shoot three civilians and hang another.
2009.09.24 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 Five civilians die in an ambush claimed by Hizbul Islam.
2009.09.24 Afghanistan Helmand 4 2 Taliban hardliners murder four police with a roadside bomb.
2009.09.24 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Sunni gunmen take down two local cops at a checkpoint.
2009.09.24 Pakistan Bannu 9 0 Islamic radicals open fire on two cars carrying tribal elders. Nine victims are cut down.
2009.09.23 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhists, one a 19-year-old woman, are brutally murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2009.09.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 0 Three children and two women are among seven innocents wiped out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2009.09.23 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 16-year-old boy is shot to death by Muslim radicals in a drive-by attack.
2009.09.23 Afghanistan Herat 1 2 A teenage boy is gunned down in his home by Islamic militants, who also injure his sister and mother.
2009.09.23 Iraq Mosul 4 1 Four Iraqis are killed in two Jihad bombing attacks.
2009.09.22 Afghanistan Farah 5 2 Five civilians are blown to bits when their car is hit by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2009.09.22 Somalia Mogadishu 8 20 Eight civilians are killed during an attack by Islamic hardliners.
2009.09.22 India Baramulla 1 4 A local soldier is gunned down in an ambush by Islamic militants.
2009.09.21 Iraq Latifiya 3 2 Three people are incinerated by a Jihad bomb blast at a gas station.
2009.09.21 Philippines Sulu 8 9 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill eight soldiers in an ambush.
2009.09.20 Pakistan Hangu 4 4 Four people are machine-gunned to death at a market by Muslim terrorists.
2009.09.20 Sudan Jonglei 51 46 Fifty-one non-Muslim villagers are massacred in an assault by armed forces directed by the Islamic Republic.
2009.09.20 Somalia Wanlaweyn 2 0 al-Shabaab Islamists gun down two demonstrators who are protesting them.
2009.09.20 Ingushetia Gazi-Yurt 2 1 Two local police are gunned down by Islamic militants.
2009.09.20 Russia Cherkessk 1 0 A moderate cleric is assassinated by Wahabbi extremists.
2009.09.20 Iraq Iskandariya 1 4 Suspected al-Qaeda bomb a cemetery, killing at least one mourner.
2009.09.20 India Ganderbal 1 1 Mujahideen barge into a home and shot two sisters, killing one.
2009.09.19 Pakistan Darra Adam Khel 2 0 A suspected suicide attack kills two innocents.
2009.09.19 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 16 Five Afghans are murdered by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2009.09.19 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 A Taliban bomb hidden in a bicycle leaves two civilians dead.
2009.09.19 Pakistan Malakand 5 0 Five people are riddled with bullets when Talibanis open point blank on a passenger vehicle.
2009.09.19 Afghanistan Helmand 1 1 A Danish soldier is killed by a sniper while on patrol.
2009.09.19 Iraq Zubair 2 0 Two members of a religious minority are murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2009.09.19 Iraq Mosul 1 2 An 11-year-old boy dies from injuries following a Jihad bombing.
2009.09.19 Afghanistan Herat 2 7 Two children, ages 7 and 10, are blasted to death by a female suicide bomber.
2009.09.18 Algeria Boumerdes 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists kill a local soldier with a bomb.
2009.09.18 Algeria Kabylie 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by fundamentalists.
2009.09.18 Iraq Mahmoudiya 7 21 Jihadi car bombers hit a market as it is packed with Ramadan shoppers. Seven Iraqis are killed.
2009.09.18 India Doda 2 0 Islamic terrorists ambush and kill two police officers.
2009.09.18 Pakistan Ustarzai 39 54 Thirty-nine innocents are slaughtered by a devastating Lashkar-i-Jhangvi Al-Alami bomb attack on a busy Shiite market.
2009.09.18 Pakistan Kohat 3 0 Three mourners at a funeral are shot to death by Sunni militants.
2009.09.18 Pakistan Hangu 1 0 The mayor of a town is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2009.09.17 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 2 1 Two Iraqis are killed in a Mujahideen bombing.
2009.09.17 Thailand Pattani 3 2 A Buddhist laborer is among three civilians shot to death by Islamic terrorists in separate attacks.
2009.09.17 Somalia Mogadishu 21 30 Over twenty African peacekeepers and civilians are killed in a devastating suicide truck bomb attack.
2009.09.17 Afghanistan Kabul 16 40 Civilians and soldiers are among the dead as a Shahid suicide bomber detonates along a city street.
2009.09.17 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two members of a family are kidnapped and tortured to death by Sunni hardliners.
2009.09.17 Thailand Pattani 2 2 Two Buddhist security personnel, one of whom was with his wife, are killed in separate Muslim shootings.
2009.09.17 Iraq Tal Afar 3 3 A suicide truck bomber takes down three civilians.
2009.09.16 Iraq Khalis 3 6 Jihadi car bombers take out three Iraqis.
2009.09.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends two civilians to Allah.
2009.09.16 Egypt Bagur 1 2 A 63-year-old Christian is stabbed to death by a rampaging Muslim.
2009.09.16 Philippines Tungawan 3 0 Moro Islamists murder three people by throwing a grenade into a village.
2009.09.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man picking up groceries in his truck is gunned down by Muslim radicals.
2009.09.16 Afghanistan Khost 1 2 Islamists detonate a bomb in a shop, killing one civilian.
2009.09.15 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadis fire mortars into a populated area, killing two Iraqis.
2009.09.15 Italy Trieste 1 1 An 18-year-old girl dies from being stabbed in the throat by her father for falling in love with a non-Muslim.
2009.09.15 Somalia Merca 1 0 A 69-year-old Christian is executed by al-Shabaab militants after they find him carrying Bibles through their checkpoint.
2009.09.14 Iraq Baqubah 5 5 Five people are killed in two Jihad bombings, one of which was in front of a movie theater.
2009.09.14 Pakistan Sialkot 1 0 A young Christian is beaten to death after being arrested for blasphemy.
2009.09.14 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A courageous security guard loses his life defending an oil refinery against Islamic militants.
2009.09.14 Iraq Mosul 3 1 A woman and her daughter are among four casualties of Mujahideen bombers.
2009.09.14 Iraq Buhriz 1 1 Islamic bombers take out an antiques dealer.
2009.09.14 Iraq Mukheefa 1 0 A college student is shot to death by Muslim terrorists while walking home.
2009.09.13 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 12 Muslim terrorists set off a bomb at a market, killing two patrons.
2009.09.13 Thailand Yala 5 0 Five local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Islamic radicals while on a break.
2009.09.13 India Kishtwar 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by Hiz-bul-Mujahideen.
2009.09.13 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 A cafe is bombed by Mujahid, leaving at least one patron dead.
2009.09.13 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 A Christian evangelist dies from injuries suffered from severe torture at the hands of a Muslim gang.
2009.09.13 Pakistan Khyber 3 2 Islamic militants kill three local soldiers in a landmine attack.
2009.09.12 Thailand Yala 0 0 Suspected Islamists slit a teenager's throat, then set fire to his body.
2009.09.12 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 A prosecutor is gunned down outside his home by suspected Islamic rebels.
2009.09.12 Iraq Baghdad 4 24 A double bombing by sectarian Jihadis at a mosque leaves four dead.
2009.09.12 India Srinagar 3 10 A woman and two others are taken out be a car bomb.
2009.09.12 Pakistan Landikotal 3 0 Two brothers are among three men gunned down by Mujahideen.
2009.09.12 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 Two women are among four people blown to bits by an al-Qaeda bomb.
2009.09.12 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 A group of Muslims brutally torture and murder a young Christian student.
2009.09.11 Ingushetia Nazran 1 4 A local police officer dies from injuries suffered from a suicide bomber.
2009.09.11 Iraq Safara 5 0 Five Iraqi police are gunned down at point blank range by Muslim terrorists.
2009.09.11 Afghanistan Farah 3 0 Three civilians are killed when a Taliban rocket strikes their home.
2009.09.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 0 Sunni hardliners kill six civilians with a roadside bomb.
2009.09.11 Afghanistan Kunar 6 0 Six security guards are murdered by Mujahideen.
2009.09.11 Somalia Mogadishu 15 27 Fifteen people, including nine disabled patients at a hospital, are killed when Islamic militia slam mortars into a neighborhood.
2009.09.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 A child is among two people blown into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2009.09.11 Ethiopia Senbete 0 3 A Muslim mob ransacks two Christian churches and seriously injures three Christian worshippers.
2009.09.11 Afghanistan Uruzgan 14 0 Fourteen car passengers are massacred by Taliban bombers.
2009.09.10 Afghanistan Kunduz 7 2 Taliban terrorists attack a police post and kill seven officers.
2009.09.10 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Two government officials are murdered by Muslim gunmen on consecutive days.
2009.09.10 Jordan Aqaba 1 0 A Muslim man guns down his teenage sister for "knowing many men."
2009.09.10 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two men are gunned down by Mujahideen in separate attacks.
2009.09.10 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 4 Two public workers are killed in a Mujahideen rocket attack.
2009.09.10 Iraq Wardek 20 27 A Shahid suicide bomber drives a truck packed with explosives into a village, killing at least twenty innocent people.
2009.09.10 Afghanistan Helmand 2 4 Two civilians are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2009.09.10 Iraq Mahmudiya 4 29 A double bombing at a market leaves four patrons dead.

tom green
Posts: 70
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Summary of responses to BNP lies/half truths

Post by arseneltic »

Oh by the way could you explain to me how being anti-islam is racist.ISLAM IS NOT A RACE

tom green