Been Thrown off PurplePort

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Tanya Cox
Posts: 932
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Been Thrown off PurplePort

Post by Tanya Cox »

Hi Everyone

Can all togs & producers that I am part way through discussing shoots with
via PurplePort please email me direct on instead
now, as I have been thrown off.

Warning to anyone else on there - they seem to have now banned adult but
forgot to inform us all (I did check what levels I could advertise to on my
profile & in posts when I first joined and I was told I could advertise all adult
levels I just couldn't upload pornographic pictures and I haven't been told any
different since) .

Oh and they don't send you a warning email to give you chance to rectify the
problem when you accidently brake one of there new rules, that you knew
nothing about - they just remove your account and Ban you.


Tanya Cox
Funsize Model/Porn Actress

Posts: 1505
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Been Thrown off PurplePort

Post by m100 »

they seem to have forgot to tell themselves as well tanya. their casting call section still includes a drop down box for show adult casting including scenes of a sexual nature.
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Re: Been Thrown off PurplePort

Post by mutanthalibut »

You're not on your own. They kicked me off yesterday as well. I'm a tog with excellent references and I have the utmost respect for everybody I've worked with. However they said that I'm banned permanently.
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Re: Been Thrown off PurplePort

Post by myson »

It wouldn't surprise me if they haven't had a few complaints from a number of prudes on there Tanya.

As Mutanthalibut says "You're not alone", Holly Kiss has been chucked off as well.


Tanya Cox
Posts: 932
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Been Thrown off PurplePort

Post by Tanya Cox »

They have clearly decided that they no longer want adult on their site and
because they are dodgy are using underhand tactics to get rid of us all.

I appealed my ban and they are telling me my Ban is permanent and will not be
reconsidered due to my doing & advertising for Gonzo work (FUCKING LIES)...

I have never even mentioned Gonzo on Purple port never mind posting to ask
for Gonzo work, I have only ever posted for work up to GG/BG levels which
they are still saying is allowed (just not Gonzo) and although I have advertised
to GG & BG levels, I was only ever booked for solo work through PurplePort so
I certainly haven't taken any Gonzo bookings through their dodgy site either.

Please be warned any Adult Models/Togs/Producers who have paid for a
unlimited account to not risk re-subscribing when your account drops down to
a free one again (providing you manage to still be on there, that is) they are
instantly banning and not giving anyone a chance to rectify the problem and
accusing/banning some of us of things/levels we haven't even done. I'm not the only
one this has happened to.

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Re: Been Thrown off PurplePort

Post by stiffoak571 »

Being thrown off PP is a badge of honour - happened to me when I refused to edit pics for a model (she had cast on arm which she wanted p'shopped out) as I had paid her and only after did she ask for pics. She complained to PP and next day I was banned with no come back allowed.

Always felt like a clique, but when Purestorm declined there was little alternative. Perhaps Madcow now?
Tanya Cox
Posts: 932
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Re: Been Thrown off PurplePort

Post by Tanya Cox »

Your name really rings a bell - Are you the guy I did a W/S shoot for in
Stevenage quite early on in my career? No offence meant if not.

It appears they have got rid of a lot of members from the adult industry since
yesterday as twitter is full of talk about them.

Yes I know most of you are considering it a badge of honour but as ive always
respected site rules (that ive known about) including turning down BG offers
via Purestorm once I found out they only allowed to GG, I'm really annoyed.

They should at least give a warning for a 1st offence and only ban if they break
the same rule again.

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Re: Been Thrown off PurplePort

Post by sparky »

Ultimately it is their choice who they want as members and the work styles allowed to be advertised and sought.

What is totally wrong is to change the allowed work styles, right now adult is still listed, what can be stated in portfolio text and / or what can be shown in images marked as only suitable for 18+ with no notice.

A more reasonable approach would have been to send an email with at least a months notice so members have the opportunity to revise their portfolio to comply with the new regulations and continue discussing proposed shoots plus arrange other contact details e.g. via AIR.

They should also have given the option to downgrade the membership level or close the account with a pro-rate refund.
Tanya Cox
Posts: 932
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Been Thrown off PurplePort

Post by Tanya Cox »

I couldn't agree more Sparky

And that is exactly what net-model did when they banned video work, I was
sent a email asking me to edit my profile to fit in with their new rules, but I
was/am a free member so I don't know if they offered a pro-rate refund to the
paying members or not, but they certainly handled it more professionally.

Tanya Cox
Posts: 932
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Now back on PurplePort

Post by Tanya Cox »

Back on PurplePort...

They have listened to my comments, taken them on board and reinstated my

fingers crossed they let me stay and its not a trick.

I will re-read up on their rules and 100% will not be breaking them
