Amateur porn fantasies

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Stephen 200
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Amateur porn fantasies

Post by Stephen 200 »

Hi all

I am new to this forum.

I have set up a new website whose purpose is to provide a platform for those wishing to work or be involved in the adult industry or to achieve their own fantasies.

It is free to join you provide a couple of images clothed and nude (softcore) and a more explicit port folio. Interested parties select you and for a small charge (to cover admin) they get your portfolio and your chosen contact details and the rest is up to you.

I am looking for all seasons shapes sizes and ages pro to amateur. Those wishing to start or continue a career or just want to fulfill a fantasy for money or a damn good orgasm.

Please contact me for more details.

one eyed jack
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Re: Amateur porn fantasies

Post by one eyed jack »

Make sure you get the relevant permissions for people to post images to your site Stephen

We wouldnt want you to be an unwitting victim of revenge porn online. Very serious business and be wary of age verification coming in April 2018. New government legislation is clamping down on all adult related sites

That said, all the best
one eyed jack
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Re: Amateur porn fantasies

Post by one eyed jack »
Stephen 200
Posts: 2
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Re: Amateur porn fantasies

Post by Stephen 200 »

I have drawn up a download able word doc to accompany any application that I ask to be signed and supported by I'd such as driving licence so I can cross reference signature.

I am on the look out for models to get on there so people don't have just blank pages to start with so if you have anyone who would like the publicity let me know. As I said it won't cost you anything and I hope would increase your exposure to a wider audience. There is also adverts and links pages if you would be interested with your site's.


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Re: Amateur porn fantasies

Post by Millzy82 »

I really don't want to shoot you down or discourage you but may I ask how much you've invested in your website?

In the most constructive way I can say this, I think you need to inspire confidence that your website and database are secure. I don't suggest you get yourself MI6 or Pentagon levels of security but you'd certainly want something to discourage a sizeable number of wannabe hackers from trying to access the records of those who go on to host a profile on your site.

While you have a disclaimer denying responsibility if people find out about Mr or Ms X and any problems it may cause, you are still liable for prosecution if you fail to secure personally identifiable information adequately.
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Re: Amateur porn fantasies

Post by Fordcortina »

It's really good to see this forum being actually used for actual discussion. As has been said above I don't want to pour cold water on your idea but here are a few pointers to things to think about.

When you register a domain - any domain - and probably particularly an 'adult' themed domain - use an anonymous registration service. Otherwise you'll certainly get spammed to death, and you run the risk of being door stopped.

You need a responsive design today that works on mobiles etc.

I would be a little hesitant about your apparent method of monetising your site (to use the jargon). Have a look at your competition who are all offering essentially the same service for free but make some money from added value offers.

Security (mentioned above) is a real headache. I had a quick look at your site and it appears to be developed through Wix. I don't really know how those companies work but at a guess I imagine they are hosting at least your code if not all your content??? If so that's probably a plus because they are web professionals who will be wise to all the hacking exploits. However as a general rule their is only one way to keep stuff immune from hacking on the web, and that is to keep any sensitive information off-line. Even the biggest corporations with huge amounts of personal and financial data routinely get hacked. It's not a question of if, it's when.

It's a lot of work to run a website. I wish you a lot of luck.
one eyed jack
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Re: Amateur porn fantasies

Post by one eyed jack »

We also accept amateur members. UKAP was built on supporting the little guys who wanted to compete in the adult market place. We have never lost sight of that

email: and loads of free info over at
Colt Seevers
Posts: 35
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Re: Amateur porn fantasies

Post by Colt Seevers »

As an amateur I have not been able to join ???