organising bukkake shoot

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organising bukkake shoot

Post by cheeky_chappie »

Hi All

Seeking some advice. I'm at the (early) planning stages of a bukkake shoot for a private commission. I have the female model lined up, however how do I go about arranging the male performers? I will be seeking circa 20 males to feature in the shoot, however the shoot budget doesn't stretch to paying 20 guys ?x.

I know that people organise private bukkake parties (that may or may not be used commercially) and they often request payment from males wanting to take part e.g. ?40 for entry and to ... emmm ... shoot your load! Is this the way for me to go?

I don't doubt there are 1000's of guys out there that would be happy to partake, it's sourcing genuinely interested ones that could be a challenge for me.

Any advice welcome :)
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Re: organising bukkake shoot

Post by Pedro »

I'd be happy to volunteer.

I've tried to message you, but in case you've not received it, feel free to email me back.
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Re: organising bukkake shoot

Post by skipper »

Feel free to email me. I have experienced guys able to participate

Producer of hardcore movies. Travel all over the UK and Europe finding quality locations, so a shoot with me will always be fun.
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Re: organising bukkake shoot

Post by steve2 »

Depending on the location and the female model, getting the guys to attend is not a problem. I have organised many of these. Drop me an email
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Re: organising bukkake shoot

Post by IndianV »

Hiya Steve, Dave,

I'd be interested in being considered for any shoots/events you have coming up, particularly if you're looking for an Indian model.

V x

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Re: organising bukkake shoot

Post by Hallebury »

Hi IndianV,
Can you post email link please?
Olga Cabaeva
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Re: organising bukkake shoot

Post by Olga Cabaeva » is looking for amateur guys to shoot bukkake. I think they even pay something for cum shoots. But they shoot in Prague now. BTW, Premiumbukkake will shoot Tina Kay on 15 September.