Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »

My issue with you is very simple and entirely fair:

Massive difference between defending your friend and lynching me. You spread this from this site to all over the web and twitter and you personally damaged me much more than that fake post ever did.

It's incredibly ironic that you talk about helping people like me in this industry, when the second you smelled blood in the water you rushed in with gusto to spread the misery for me all over the place.

And Terrance? If the shoe was ever on the other foot?....I wouldn't effectively shoot you in the face with the keyboard rifle without waiting to see all the facts, but hey maybe I'm just different that way.

The fact that you refused every attempt to speak to me when I attempted to reduce the damage being done until I was able to get to the bottom of what happened is insulting frankly, the fact that you wont alter your post on UKAP despite now knowing it was fake is phenominal.

A man's honour is his gift to himself.

I suppose the learning experience is realising fast who is who in this industry and I've certainly learned that. I've had many messages from top models showing support, top people like Paul showing true professionalism and perhaps most importantly many messages from models and producers showing a growing distaste for some of the established individuals shitting on people.
Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »

lol unreal, you even said something was wrong about her.... :-)

Some people just like the smell of blood perhaps
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by croftie »


Are you having a go at me, I was backing up some of your points with her
Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »

No of course not? I was trying to show some of he absurdity of people on here. You bring up valid concerns about her, so do others, then something bizzare goes on with one company apparently trying to publically have a go at Paul (because that's a great business plan)....and nobody see's the crumbs....

Not having a go mate :-)
Aran Hindler
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Aran Hindler »

Well That Escalated Quickly...
This whole thread is the epitome of a clusterfuck !disaster!
one eyed jack
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by one eyed jack »

If it wasnt for me hitting hard and fast on this I doubt things wouldve reached the conclusion it has so quick.

Sometimes you need a big dust up to clear the air quick.

As for the outcome I have my own views but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. As I said for you to take it up with Paul I have chosen to follow his lead.

I make no apologies for defending someone I've known for years and I don't believe for a second you would hold back if the same was said about your friend and you was in my position.

Where I'm from being accused of making child porn is fighting words.

Its one thing that those who know Paul know he isnt that person but here on a forum with new companies, new models, fans and people like yourself,
that's where the rumours start and fester like cancer until it becomes an epidemic then terminal.

I'm all for nipping things in the bud quick and let this serve as an example to anyone else who runs their mouths off stirring shit on forums

Lets not make this about me destroying your company. It was your company name on that post and I dont know you so how was I to know?

Who is to say if I didnt act swiftly on this the way I did then you wouldnt have resolved this issue with Paul.

one eyed jack
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by one eyed jack »

The way I see it?

I dont see the BGAFD moderators saying I made a mistake. Nor have I received an email from them telling me to remove the post I put on UKAP.

They ccouldve killed this quick and Id be happy to make a public apology to you right here on this forum until then I reserve my opinions to myself about this to myself

Paul's ok with you so thats fine by me.

Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »

Unreal, now you are a hero?

You've completely ignored the entire point of my post to you, and for that you've shown your true colours.

Its honourable to defend your friend
Its dishonourable to lynch me.
Its disgraceful to then call yourself a hero after you've lynched an innocent person.

You spread this misinformation around the internet not out of some friendly attempt to defend Paul, a simple defence on here would be sufficient for that, but you did it to spread the flames and watch the house burn, not even caring whose house it was. Well Terrance you burned the wrong house.

The galling part of this whole thing, is that you have the bare faced audacity to get it completely wrong and personally damage me, and take credit! Shameful Terrance....Shameful.

I'm done with you, and to be honest I'm thankful your colours are so publically on display, I'll let other people make their own mind up.
one eyed jack
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by one eyed jack »

Then perhaps you might consider it fair for the mods to put the offending post back up so that everyone knows what we are talking about?

I've been around this biz long enough for people to decide what they think of me already.

Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »

On Pauls personal advice today, I'm not going to continue to respond to you.

I have no issue with any post being put back on, I have already posted publically to trace the person and there has been no response from them.

Move on now Terrance.