Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »

Have already created a new topic for the Administrators.

I appreciate the internet can be a nasty place, but this has really shaken me up.
Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »

I've seen that, but there is no original post on the link?

I click it and it takes me here, to which there is no post?
Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »

I'm still sitting here in a daze trying to figure out whats happened...

I've got a fantastic paid shoot with Ashley Rider set up along with others, and now I might be loosing all of that because some crazy person is out there.

This is beyond bizarre.

I'll update you when Paul calls me later, and I'll surely appreciate him posting here resolving things.

To think I would say those things...while trying to grow a business is unreal.
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Tabbyanne »

Not bothered reading half of this. You sent me the original email and everything went well between us. I can't remember exactly how many were exchanged but a noticable amount were exchanged.

I asked Paul and a few other people if they'd ever heard of you NONE had. Your prices on your website are extremely "Good if true" Because we all know to be Frank they are probably not true.

Anyway I informed you I use to be a larger girl before going into fitness training as it's even stated on my twitter. And thats how I started up my original businesses. I lost over 140lbs.

After informing you of this I receive an email that i'm copying below.


I'd like to add one additional thing: One of our clients, in fact our
biggest client has a special thing for girls that have lost weight. I'm
going to go out on a limb here and guess that you used to be larger?

If that's the case he offers regular video work for any girls that have
transformed themselves from large to fit.

Perhaps something to consider, I think we could shoot you twice a month at
?1k a video...That's serious money.


Now, That email is fantastic but it sends out Red lights to me. not only is well the MONEY fantastic but you just happen to have a client that I fit the exact needs for?

Anway more emails were exchanged and I went to have my Breast's done as i'd already informed you of. I received an email the day I went into surgery (It was a 2 day stay( As i'd not replied to you the very next day you came back with a strange email to me

As again I will post below.

Tabby we have not heard back from you.

We've had some calls from our fellow companies, and have been warned that
you are a timewaster. We always look to make our own minds up, and we ask
that you let us know what your situation is please.

Now the reason the above simply can not be true is, I've NOT DONE A professional shoot yet, I've done cam girl work, and i've got (four lined up) I promised Paul due to the FANTASTIC help he's given me and the fact I felt the two of us actually got a long and hit up a friendship My first job. Because I felt I wanted to give him something back for how far out of his way he had gone. Anyway moving onto the next part

As no one had heard from you Many explained (not just paul) There is a LOT of scammers out there who indeed take advantage of Women when they say they are New. Which is a fair statement. I tried wording that the best way possible but it may have come out wrong.

The only mistake I made was giving out Pauls name as reference for using me. And perhaps some poor wording in the emails but it was hardly intentional.

The next email came in an agressive/passive threatening tone but it was pointless.

Truth be told, I don't care "Who" signed up ot say those things about me and paul. Or the fact someone messaged Family members and my Partner to insult him, Calling him a roided up freak wasn't it? The end of the day you can claim it was you, your dog, or some freak on the internet who did it that's entirely upto you.

Anyone who takes a look at your website can pretty much get a true feel of said situation.

I'd also like to point out that you've been adding OTHER models off pauls twitter account when you have what? 12 followers? for a guy who pays 1000s and has these big parties all over the world. You aren't putting yourself in a Good light.

This industry isn't something I was getting into for money It was a bit of money and entertainment as i'm already doing WELL financially it's something I thought i'd enjoy and be able to benefit from. Unfortunately you've really put me off doing it. But I feel the need to post everything on my twitter to stop other models from falling victim to scams. I'm not going to bother posting on here again because it is a MODEL forum for people to make money and get jobs.

Successful people do not spend all day on the internet arguing with themselves. I can tell you from RUNNING a business I don't have the time to do it so if you do that says alot.
Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »


Paul and I are sussing this whole thing out now. I've seen your emails to him and he's seen your emails to me. Its clear that you've told me Paul has been telling people I've been scamming people for years, and its clear you've been playing us both off against eachother.

I've escalated this to the Administrators here to trace the IP address and email address details of the person we both know set up the bogus Reality Studios account to post that disgusting post.

I have nothing more to say to you except immediately cease and desist from your actions and stop attempting to destroy the reputation we are trying to build here.
Paul Taylor
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Paul Taylor »

I have had a chat with the real reality studios today, the guy joe was very genuine and I have come to the confusion that this guy was not the poster from last night. I don't know why but I don't think that the two are linked. joe was very sincere on the phone, totally shocked and saddened by the post that was made last night. What doesn't add up is that reality studios are new and are just about to start up shooting and they had someone use there name in vain to have a go at me. I've never in 11 years had any one that I was at odds with, so I have no idea why someone would post as reality studios or have a go at me and say those things. That had to be the worst thing I have ever seen on this site, and we have seen a lot of posts get banned over the years but fuck I was gobbled smacked by what I read.

My phone has not stopped ringing all day I have been very surprised at the amount of industry people I have worked with over the years, call me up to say how much they stand by me, but I was never worried about the post anyway, my reputation is everything to me, some random post and bull shit isn't going to put me down. I'm doing quite well at the mo with the nerd pervert thing so maybe that is why they did it? I don't know.

Who I do feel sorry for is reality studios, the real reality studios of reality-studios.com. They have been planning shoots and have been trying to launch there adult productions and this maybe lost forever now with being linked to a post I myself thought was them too, why wouldn't I? But after a good old chat we settled it like gentlemen.

I have to say they may not use that name anymore but who ever was trying to cause trouble could do it again for someone else. I don't post on here anymore as this site has gone down hill and you can't post anything without getting your head bit off, it seems very hostile place to be and even more so now.

I just wanted to clear this up so reality studios doesn't get a hard time, go easy on them as everyone has to start somewhere.

Paul Taylor
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by croftie »

I find it very interesting that posts earlier saying that this girl was a timewaster and a liar have come back to haunt her. She accused me of wanting sexual services in an email but when asked to show it silence. Also i can show correspondence from her which throws doubt onher.
I have my proof and will show it to anyone.

OEJ knows who i am as have been involved in the business for over 30 years at different levels.
one eyed jack
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by one eyed jack »

Yep I know you Croftie !happy!

With regards to Paul and Reailty Studios. Whats good for Paul is good for me. As I explained to Joe to take it up with Paul earlier as this was more about him and nothing to do with me insofar as a friend rushing to another friends defence.

As explained I read hat i read and cannot dispute what fact is from fiction and the BGAFD has been abused yet again.

Its not my intention to damage anyones chances. I'd rather the business be unified but this kind of thing just causes discord so I hope we can see eye to eye on this Joe.

If the shoe was on the other foot I would expect the same from you.

The post will stay up on the UKAP forum as a matter of record but I'm expecting Paul to ad a post to set the record straight

Reality Studios
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Reality Studios »

Thanks Paul,

I appreciate your help with this, a rather ugly affair that has left us very much less positive about this industry.

I've thought about this a little and I find a big difference between people jumping to the defence of a proven top guy like Paul, and the torrent of attacks, insults, and poor behaviour by those defending him.

It's not the original post that's damaged me (which I still haven't seen in OP form btw), its the responses from the established producers that did the damage.

Blasting me on here before giving me any chance to defend myself, blasting me all over the web and most importantly all over Twitter (71 separate notifications about this) where defence is all but impossible is poor to say the least.

It's extremely difficult to build up a reputation in this industry, and you established ones participated with gusto in downright lynching one of your own

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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by croftie »

to reality

Perhaps people will now believe me in my comments about her