Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Welshmorph »



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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by spunky »

Hi James

Please could I as a male model participate in one of your video shoots??

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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by croftie »

Tis girl is a time waster. Answered my email but sid had left phone at relatives. Waited four days no reply. Then came back giving three suitable dates for this week (still no phone).
I confirmed one begining of last week asked her to confirm. Not a dicky bird. Avoid
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Tabbyanne »

Guy asked me my rates. Didn't agree to them instead said his own, Told him I was having a boob job done and he still demanded I meet him during this period or he'd tell everyone i'm a time waster. (I'm also doing some work with Nerdpervert.com) As a way to build crediblity.

I think when someone uses the words "Unless you have sex with me i'll" You can pretty much tell it's a legit scam.
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by croftie »

I never received her rates. She told me she was having a boob job and suggested we meet before the 23 rd when she is having her boob job. She sent me an email with three dates on it before the boob job, one i ageeed to. I only said she was a time waster as she did not confirm anything after giving me that date, despite three further emails to her..
Also the phone number she gave me just rang out the three times i tried it.

I have never used the words she mentioned in her last paragraph, perhaps she is mixing up with one of her other disgruntled photographers. If she can prove it was me i would love to see it.
She has no credibility.
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Tabbyanne »

Neither do you. instead of us going back and forth. let's just move on i've already replied to a bunch of other wonderful people on here. :)
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by sparky »

Another potential case of a model and a photographer each blaming the other for email not being sent / received / replied to where at least one party is using a @live ( ex hotmail ) email address .......

Given adult content was the subject it only take one word to be trapped for a message not to be delivered. Any photo attachment or webpage link will increase the risk.

Gmail is not perfect, and I don't think any email free or paid is, but far fewer messages are lost or blocked.
Posts: 31
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Tabbyanne »

Aye, Gmail is a better email system overall. Still interested in more work though. got 3 jobs lined up but have a lot of time next month free :).
Posts: 31
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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Post by Tabbyanne »

Sorry about that...?