Models required for solo videos

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Models required for solo videos

Post by sbuttler »

Hi guys, i'm a freelance Southampton, Hampshire based Videographer - I film professionally and have had stuff broadcasted (family viewing!) - I mainly film stuff in London. I'd like to try my hand at more adult content as I have a few ideas on niches and have filmed strippers / porn actresses in nightclubs before, so its a job I enjoy!

Any models near Southampton, Bournemouth, Portsmuff, Winchester, South West London - Richmond, Wimbledon, Colliers Wood etc, please contact me today.

Ideally, I can film at your own location - I will be discrete with two bags - one for two tripods, the other for two cameras and small battery powered lights - no big old camera crane etc..

For solo, titilation, erotic, suggestive, naughty


contact me today or reply with your contacts.

Adult Media Services.
4K Ultra HD Video Producer / Videographer
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Re: Models required for solo videos

Post by frankthring »

Drop me a personal email.
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Models required for solo videos

Post by sbuttler »


Have emailed back


Adult Media Services.
4K Ultra HD Video Producer / Videographer
Web Design - I can create a members site
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Re: Models required for solo videos

Post by tinakay »

Hi Simon,

I would love to hear more details what are you looking to film exactly and what payment do you offer please?
Please check out my work on the sites bellow.
Thank you !

Tina Kay. xxx
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Re: Models required for solo videos

Post by sbuttler »

Hi Tina,

Just solo / gg at the moment - I'm editing a concept video of what I'm hoping to achieve so will email soon with rates - if you have a location to film at that would be a bonus.

I'm Southampton based though...

Adult Media Services.
4K Ultra HD Video Producer / Videographer
Web Design - I can create a members site
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Re: Models required for solo videos

Post by tinakay »

Thanks for the reply.
I can shoot from home from Birmingham Cuty center, if you can travel?

rebecca ryder
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Re: Models required for solo videos

Post by rebecca ryder »

hi hun

i would be interested and am based in sw london x
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Re: Models required for solo videos

Post by fayerampton »

Sent you an email x
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Models required for solo videos

Post by IndianV »


I'd be interested as well, and am based in East London

V x
