Amateur Fun Studios CALL BACK

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Amateur Fun Studios CALL BACK

Post by carpediem18 »


My very first post!!

I know this thread has been done before.

I don't know if this is for real or not, but I got a call back from Amateur Fun Studios they said that I was randomly picked to be a performer for them and to give them a call back.

Now I applied and got a interview with them which I went to, and I was interviewed by a rather attractive woman not local I presume East European (with a few nice tattoos).
Was told that I will be earning ?500 a movie and there would be always two women to perform with, was then told that I would need a photo-shoot, have a choice of there in-house photographer or find my own. But they advise to use there in-house one of a cost of ?179, now everything was O.K up to that point where I had to fork out the cost of photos.
They gave me a pack to take home with pictures of 6 women and to choose 2 from and to send the other pictures back with the forms that I had to sign. As this was my first I get to choose two women. Then I would need to sign the forms and to choose a 'Porn name'.

I must say it was very nicely done and the pics of the women looked amazing but in my mind alarm bells ringing in my head so I left it and did not return any of the forms back or pictures. But then out of the blue I recently got a message from them saying I got randomly picked to perform for them and to give them a call back, but the number they gave does not work!!!

Was really looking forward to getting into the Adult industry :)
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Re: Amateur Fun Studios CALL BACK

Post by Fordcortina »

Don't carpe diem with this scam.

Instead caveat emptor. !idontbelieveit!
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Amateur Fun Studios CALL BACK

Post by cockneygeezer2009 »

Sounds too good to be true. How do they know if you can perform or not without a test shoot?

The harder you cum. The more you enjoy it.
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Amateur Fun Studios CALL BACK

Post by KelticaMedia »

I heard they offered this to Father Christmas but he said he was a bit busy at the moment.

Scott || Keltica Media