new girl

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: new girl

Post by poisontonomes »

Fucking hell, it's no wonder girl's don't bother coming on here anymore if they get slated for not replying within 30 seconds.
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Re: new girl

Post by Emac »

Can't argue with you mate, you're clearly way better at being an idiot than I am.

30 seconds?? Take a moment or two to read what I've said and actually consider it before firing off unguarded comments. Then perhaps you could contribute something to the conversation that would actually be of some use.

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Re: new girl

Post by M_IMAGE »

I guess we await with pure excitement ...........................

Images are not taken .... they are created .....

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Scarlet Grey
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Re: new girl

Post by Scarlet Grey »

Thanks for your input Gerry hun and yes there are many reasons why.

What I was referring to and maybe I should of made it more clear, so sorry for that.

Was the amount of let downs we get when a date has been locked in and they cancel a few times before a shoot, or on the morning of the shoot, with lets just say excuses that aren't good enough and if they were more professional the reasons they give wouldn't happen ( even if they are true)

I am talking about models who give illness excuses then are seen tweeting they are on web cam but yet were on deaths door, a few hours ago when they aren't answering there phones.

This is un professional to say the least and I am putting it a nice way my boss Paul is a lot more vocal about it, there are a lot of lets downs in this business now and its due to the fact they can earn on webcam, so the ones who are booked decide at the last minute that they can't be bothered. Not all before anyone tries to say thats what I'm implying just some and thats been my experience while working with Dusk Films.

But i wasn't suggesting that models who work on webcam and choose not to shoot for companies are lazy, sorry for my cons using post . xxxxxx

Scarlet Grey
Dusk Films
Adult film production of the North East
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Re: new girl

Post by Emac »

Oops, Scarlett, wrong thread? :)

Paul Taylor
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Re: new girl

Post by Paul Taylor »

Think Scarlet wrote that in the wrong thread lol

Paul Taylor
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Re: new girl

Post by poisontonomes »

30 seconds, 3 days, same difference.

Not everyone is sat at their desk, pants round their ankles 24/7. Maybe, just maybe, she has *shudder* a life...
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Re: new girl

Post by Emac »

God, what an asshole!
