interviews for pornlife magazine

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Joe Marley
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

interviews for pornlife magazine

Post by Joe Marley »


I'm Joe Marley and I'm freelancing for , we run interviews on the stars in front and behind the cameras.
I'm currently looking to interview more of you wonderful people, if you want coverage in America that is?
So far I have interviewed Jason Maskell, Kendo, Mai Bailey, Kai Taylor, Lucy Love as well as others that are to be featured in the next few issues.
I do face to face interviews, that are then transcribed and have a dash of my wit (however poor that maybe) added.

If you are interested in an interview ( I do travel...slowly), please contact me at:
@joemarley1m (on twitter).

If you would like to check out the style of our articles please go to:

Thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully, we will chat.

Joe Marley
Sarah Kelly
Posts: 2879
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: interviews for pornlife magazine

Post by Sarah Kelly »

Jesus, the last 3 interviews i gave were all over the fon ..

Ths new fangled idea of actually sitting across from someone,chatting with them face to face-by jove man,you could be onto something!idea!

Will certainly be throwing my hat/panties,into the ring for this !

Always certed,works to Hard BG/GG/ANAL/DP+EXTREME Fetish.
Easy going,fun,Hard Working,Professional
I turn up prepared,on time,ready to shoot what you want as I`m RELIABLE! ;)

Dave Wells
Posts: 2714
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: interviews for pornlife magazine

Post by Dave Wells »

If it helps me get work, I'll do it !

Dave Wells
Joe Marley
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: interviews for pornlife magazine

Post by Joe Marley »

Hi Sarah and Dave,
Thank you for getting back to me so soon, I have sent you both an email and am looking forward to hearing back.
Happy days!
Sarah Kelly
Posts: 2879
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: interviews for pornlife magazine

Post by Sarah Kelly »

Recieved with thanks and looking forward to chatting/meeting ;)

Always certed,works to Hard BG/GG/ANAL/DP+EXTREME Fetish.
Easy going,fun,Hard Working,Professional
I turn up prepared,on time,ready to shoot what you want as I`m RELIABLE! ;)
