A funny story about a certain model

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
paul jones
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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by paul jones »

[img]http://www.adultindustryresources.com/d ... teph_0.jpg[/img]

http://www.adultindustryresources.com/d ... anie-blows

Good to hear she's as sweet as she looks :-)

Todays motto - I can perform for fun, film for friends, but need a bloody good business case to edit.

Webmaster of [url]http://www.adultindustryresources.com/drupal7[/url]
I still love performing and shooting, and always happy to help people make porn. Esp if tittivation.com will be an outlet :-)
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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by Toliverwist »

As a relative newcomer tog, I guess I have been lucky, except on occasion in the matter of profile dress sizes not seeming to match the reality on the day of the shoot.

However, in the early anxious days, when I was on the train travelling to a booked shoot, I had a text from the model that she couldn't go ahead, because the builders (sic) were coming to repair her tumble dryer (or some such machine). My texts for a re-schedule were ignored. I have delivery confirmation turned on in the options menu, so I know the model received the texts.

Now comes the unfortunate bit. I allowed the circumstances to sting me into retaliatory action,naming and shaming inappropriately. I learned from that very big mistake and now will maintain a professional attitude in all circumstances.

Otherwise, I have nothing but praise for the models I have worked with.

I have asked for this profile to be deleted.
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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by Benson_Media »

videokim wrote:

> Its not a Pro/Am thing as we have come across girls from both
> ends of the scales that are diva's as are some
> producers/photographers.

The model in question is not a diva at all. In fact we shot her a full day during the Petgirls Summer Shoot. Perfectly nice and accommodating, considering our shoots can be beautifully uncomfortable.

The problem was her boyfriend, who I think gave her poor advice. Times are hard but in trying to claw ?40 back he cost her ?240.

I personally don't judge any of the dumb sluts that crawl through my door - diva's, bimbo's, retards, thieves, crack addicts, scousers. All are welcome as long as they turn up on time and do as they're told.

That's all I ask.

The UK used to be a great place to come shoot due to the varied selection of semi-pro models with a basic sense of professionalism.

I'm not sure, but it feels like a lot of good models have left the industry only to be replaced by a herd of pie-munching, grotesques that only Stevie Wonder would consider booking.

I think one of the basic problems is that most 18 year old females in the UK seem to start at size 14 and keep going. And a lot of UK producers (especially on this forum) seem to wear 'fat-goggles' on a permanent basis.


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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by sparky »

Benson Media,

Like you all I ask is for the model to turn up for the shoot at the agreed time and rendezvous then deliver the content required for the fee agreed without quibbling.

I'm not bothered if they consider they are pro or am, experienced or beginner.

Looking back in terms of actually turning up those who are 25+ have been the most reliable. I guess generally they have both a more mature outlook and financial commitments.

I seek a natural appearance so hair not dyed blue, pink etc, no or very discrete tattoos, no orange or blotchy fake tan, size 8 - 12 etc.
As you say the number who meet this description are in decline.

Jessica Jensen
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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by Jessica Jensen »

Hi Sparky

Just noticed that I fit the description of the type of model you usually like to shoot !happy! Are you still looking to arrange shoots as I am sure I would be interested in working with you? I tried to click on the link to your AIR page but it didn't work !confused!

Here is the link to mine: http://www.adultindustryresources.com/d ... ica-jensen

Kind Regards
Jessica Jensen
All natural 21 year old certed model/performer.
Email: Jessica.Jensenxxx@gmail.com
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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by sparky »

Hi Jessica

.... tried to click on the link to your AIR page but it didn't work !confused! ...

!blush! Oops I had never updated the link after the last AIR website update
I've now done it and sent you a direct email.

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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by Benson_Media »


I require models who:

1. Don't turn up with 5kg of outfits crushed into two wheelie cases so said outfits look like copies of the Turin Shroud

2. Have washed their armpits and slept before they come to the shoot

3. Who have easy access to Googlemaps and can read, walk or drive.

4. Have a pulse, hair, skin and teeth.

5. Don't want to talk about their problems, politics, gun control in USA, other models or producers or their toilet habits.

6. Aren't kleptomaniacs or from 'The Wirral'.

7. Don't think Easyjet is a reasonable option.

8. Think that mirrors are deceitful.

9. Don't think they're doing me a favour.

10. Who haven't bothered to pluck their nipple hair (yes!! too gross for thoughts)

11. Know when to leave.

12. Have some kind of basic understanding that doing ANYTHING at the ?50 per hour payscale is worth being just that little bit extra professional.

13. Are NOT LATE. See what I did there? I stopped this list at '13'. As to draw extra emphasis onto my loathing of lateness. I work in Japan where, if you are late..bowing is not really enough. You have to lay flat down on your face (extreme bow) and just pray that a passing dog urinates on you to add to your suffering and groveling for forgiveness.

I have never owned a watch. I am never late. So I have an excuse to be late. Which I never use.

Set off two hours before, arrive an hour early, study traffic, walk (its reliable a form of transport). But do not arrive late carrying a big stupid gay excuse. I will throw up in your face or spray your Primark shoes with diarrhea.

That's how much I hate lateness.

Which kind of brings me full circle.


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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by Chopper_Images »

What a charming guy you sound

In your own way as bad if not worse than those you disparage and diss
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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by Nob3y »

He is a nice bloke as it goes.

I dont think his list of out of order or un reasonable.
He is like me, a straight taker who knows what he likes/wants.

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Re: A funny story about a certain model

Post by videokim »

"I dont think his list of out of order or un reasonable.
He is like me, a straight taker who knows what he likes/wants."

But i like Primarks & Easyjet lol!

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled
