2012 UKAP Adult Awards Pictures...

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: 2012 UKAP Adult Awards Pictures...

Post by Sookieblues »

Yay they are back lol

For photos and more info email or check out AIR
Or email sookieblues@hotmail.co.uk
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Re: 2012 UKAP Adult Awards Pictures...

Post by Benson_Media »

Cornish Chris does have a valid point.

Given the nature of this specific industry (image capture), surely it would not have been impossible to arrange for a pro photographer to take pictures that were a bit more flattering for all those involved?


Gerry Acktrich
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Re: 2012 UKAP Adult Awards Pictures...

Post by Gerry Acktrich »

I think what people are missing is that the pics were never intended to be used for any sort of promotional purpose and are pics of just what happens at a company or industry xmas party linked to an awards ceremony. I see absolutely nothing wrong with pictures that capture the fun and true nature of the relaxed a seemingly quite informal event.

If people want to be shown at their best then they should be told before the event that they will need to wear something suitable and be on their best behaviour as the pics will be used to promote the industry rather than just be party to have a good time.

I for one prefer to see them enjoying themselves and letting their hair down a bit.

Thanks for putting the pics back up.

one eyed jack
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Re: 2012 UKAP Adult Awards Pictures...

Post by one eyed jack »

Blimey...So its come down to professional quality photographs now has it? There were some taken by those with Nikons and Canon 5D mk2 but they just havent posted them here is all

Sheesh...Talk about criticism at every corner but its better to be talked about than ignored so thanks BensonMedia for your contribution.

Given that the orgnaisation for these things is non profit and the orgnaiser who did this is unpaid I thought he did a blinding job considering and the event was on a small scale because we've all but seen how corrupt they get when a bigger effort was made

It might please you to know that only one UKAP member won an award that night, The rest went out to all those who rightly deserved it.

That couldve been you but I know you frown on such things. Thats your prerorgative. We all had a good night networking and a jolly good meeting about issues affecting us and I for one was well pleased.

I trust you will be going tothe Paul Raymond party then BM...Its nice and swish and and Im sure there will be decent photogrpahers there too Or do oyu frown on every industry event you dont attend?

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Re: 2012 UKAP Adult Awards Pictures...

Post by sbglamour »

Well said Terry !!

I cannot believe the negative reaction from some people about these pictures. I was at the party but did not do any photos as I was too busy talking to people.

As anyone who has been on this site over the last few years "Myson" is one of the most regular posters and is kind enough to share some of his professional sets with us. The pictures from the party were taken in a pub, surrounded by people, with an "on-camera flash" and were meant as a record of what went on.

It was not a studio with lighting, backdrops, make up artists and directors.

I am off to the Paul Raymond party now to do the pictures there.....I doubt I will be posting any on here if this is the sort of response one can expect.

Rant Over !!
Cornish Chris
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Re: 2012 UKAP Adult Awards Pictures...

Post by Cornish Chris »

Not a criticism of the picture quality, only that the subject and content lacks what I would expect from a UK award "ceremony".

Dick Head
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Re: 2012 UKAP Adult Awards Pictures...

Post by Dick Head »

The Pics did not flatter the models
Try vasaline on the lens next time

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Re: 2012 UKAP Adult Awards Pictures...

Post by Benson_Media »

I'm not at all surprised by the fragile egos in this forum that sniffle into their hankies the moment any sort of criticism is voiced.

And I think there lies the problem with certain aspects of the UK Adult industry.

OEJ, I wasn't frowning. If I was, I would have had to photograph it and posted a link to it for you to be able to see it. I know you live and die by being seen to be in control of all the facts ;) so there's some clarification for you.

I don't have my panties in a bunch or bees in my bonnet about Awards Ceremonies or people having a booze up. It was merely an observation that in a room full of photographers and videographers, no flattering photos have emerged (here) that the UKAP organisers could use to further promote their event.

Seems a lost opportunity.

If it was nothing more than a good old knees up, that just happened to also be an awards ceremony reflective of the current talent in the UK Adult Industry then I stand corrected.

I commented on something that was not at all important.

