why do this?

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paul jones
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Re: why do this?

Post by paul jones »

What's sex got to do with it?

Lots of softer and fetish porn is ABOUT sex, but doesn't actually involve any....

(And to my mind a lot of the harder/abusive end isn't about sex either, it's about power, with sex as incidental).

However, you might get some answers here :-

http://masiedeehasablog.blogspot.co.uk/ ... 923133009f

esp the clips where Satine and Masie are mosty def channelling the Eric and Ernie bed sketches.

Webmaster of [url]http://www.adultindustryresources.com/drupal7[/url]
I still love performing and shooting, and always happy to help people make porn. Esp if tittivation.com will be an outlet :-)
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Re: why do this?

Post by ScottMcGowan »

> What does it matter?

I think there's a natural curiosity on such a topic. Having spent a good chunk of my time in the business dealing directly with fans and writing content for various media types, it's a common question.

Since sex is rather bound up with emotion, a lot of people want to learn more about the women (and men) that have a home in their fantasies.

Scott McGowan - Your Choice Productions
barbie stroker
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Re: why do this?

Post by barbie stroker »

Why not, it beats working for ?6.19ph!!! and you get to meet a lot of wonderful people.
one eyed jack
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Re: why do this?

Post by one eyed jack »

Asian Lover wrote:

and i bet alot of them amazing people are very deeply disturbed, and have a dark mind, at the back of their mind they may be thinking about very disturbing thoughts.

So no different to any regular person in society then? !laugh!

I think the simplest way to put it is this, some will, some wont. Some live their lives flying by the seat of their pants.

Its like, why climb that moutain to die? Some wold say they climbed tat mountain to appreciate the joy of being alive

Its not an easy question to ask because the answers are subjective to the individual, all it takes to do it is an exhibitionist streak. If you have a bad minf coming into this then it will come out soon enough and if you are not careful, consume you ie girls who are not doing this for the right reasons usually get fucked up on drink and drugs and cant see the woods for the trees why they do anything

This is all as complex as it is simple...

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Re: why do this?

Post by videokim »

You need to love this job to stay in it, most are flash in the pan in it for the money & only lasting a few years tops where for others its their life, we can count on one hand the people that were in the industry when we started & like us will still be around 10 years from now.

Anyone can make porn but only a few can go the distance...

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled

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Re: why do this?

Post by emmab »

My normal day job pays ?10.09 an hour but I do this side of things because I love it.
I'm bisexual and it lets me play with lots of sexy girls and I enjoy meeting new people and having a laugh!
Sure the adult industry pays well but I've turned down high paid jobs because they don't suit me just because the money is good doesnt mean you HAVE to accept the job.

E-mail me for a shoot [email]pippa_lily@hotmail.co.uk[/email]
Solo, Fetish, G/G Hard (CERTED)
Twitter: @pippa_lily