Recent News - Possible learnings ?

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Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by william »

What with the recent developments that centered around the HIV scare the time may be ripe for some form of union type organisation for the actors and actresses that feature within the UK porn industry - something that would uphold and ensure that they were fairly treated and that they adhered to a basic level of working.

Much like in any profession there are set standards of behaviours and a way to operate. It would allow a basis to develop close operations between performers and enable quick communication between the individuals.

Id say something needs to happen since the farce of information that existed around this recent case.

We also need to embrace condom use - it has to become the industry standard.
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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by Hugh6821 »

What people should learn from this is how easy it is to overreact.

If a tabloid printed a story about a female performer being forced to partake in an adult shoot and then redacting the story since it wasn't true, should we then dismantle the entire industry since there's a chance that someone is performing in movies against her will?

This was a false positive. Those happen. The more people you test the higher chance there is for a false positive, even when the chance for a single test to be a false positive is very small.
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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by Hugh6821 »

If this was a clinical error, then you're really overreacting.

There are people claiming that playing violent video games leads to actual violence, should we ban violent video games?
jamie b
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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by jamie b »

Listen, it was a scare nothing else.. Has not happened before so why change things.. If you do condom sex then nothing will sell.. I dont know anyone who would buy or watch scenes with rubbers in.. Its crap.

I was one of the people the girl worked with so I went through the scare more than all these people banging on about it.. It was a simple mistake. Nothing more.

Ive been working for all the main companies for the last 4 years and if condoms were mandatory I think you would see the majority of companies fail.. Due to lack of customers.

We need to get over this.. Do people have nothing better to talk about?

Certs are fine itsbeen fine for years.. Why try and ruin the business even more?
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jamie b
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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by jamie b »

I agree with you hugh!
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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by Millzy82 »

I think a free, unpressured choice to use condoms should be an industry standard.

While condom use reduces the chance of transmitting/contracting infections, I think it's naive to think mandating their use will be that silver bullet solution to the problem.

I agree that the health of performers is hugely important but I think your ideas for a solution are a little short sighted and rather idealistic with only black and white areas considered. The UK porn industry is not so powerful that consumers will be so keen to lap up whatever the industry throws their way.

I'm sure the majority of consumers prefer watching porn without the use of condoms or dental dams and a significant number won't watch porn at all with barrier methods. While the UK porn industry has that unique edge of its "Britishness", it can't use that as leverage to keep itself alive and it's not in any position to dictate what its consumers watch - I don't think it's the case that all consumers will just accept that condom/dental dam use in porn is now mandatory, grin and bear it. Part of the consumer base will become alienated and spend its money elsewhere, outside of the UK industry.

If you want the industry to embrace condom use, you'll also have to persuade the consumers to embrace it. Good luck with that.
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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by Hugh6821 »

"I think a free, unpressured choice to use condoms should be an industry standard"

Performers already have that choice.

How would the right to such a choice be enforced?

A producer contacts three actresses for a possible shoot, two of them states that they won't shoot a scene unless condoms are used. The producer picks the third actress (who isn't as beautiful as the other two).
Then what?

It's not like producers are forcing actresses to not use condoms.
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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by puretotty »

I do not see "condoms" ever becoming the industry standard... the issue as come up a thousand times in the USA where they have had plenty of HIV scares...

As a producer I would never shoot a porn scene with condoms in... as a surfer I would never jerk off to a scene with condoms in... FACT !

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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by Millzy82 »

Jesus H Christ almighty. I was being ironic, playing on william's words but evidently you didn't see that.

I am more than aware that that choice already exists, I was just saying the choice that exists now is what should be the standard.
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Re: Recent News - Possible learnings ?

Post by videokim »

A union is much needed in the UK but run by the models themselves as they need to by voiced and heard instead of the old chessnut money and production being reared in lame defense everytime there is a problem.

We have made condom porn for 15years and have built a big fan base and have become a known label as much as any other producer so this feeble excuse it don't sell is crap.

With this on going problem put aside we still need a models union to get some kind of unity.

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