THAT email

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paul jones
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THAT email

Post by paul jones »

After a very long 22 hours away from my PC, ...

You'll appreciate that I still cannot say anything much, and if anyone else put me in the same position, I'd hold their confidence too.

Think about it - you'd be seeing your entire life go to shit and your career dead, and all I have to do is withold your name. I can do that for you.

However :-

1) Timing. The email went out the moment I was asked to send it. That happened to be around midnight.

Hands up who thinks I should have waited until this morning? So that you could read it when you got back from your days shoot, rather than before you did that hardcore scene today?

2) Reason. The person concerned was worried that if the industry was not made aware of the problem then someone, somewhere might get infected today, someone who might not have got infected if the shoot had been cancelled pending clarification.

I personally consider them one the bravest and most ethical upright people it has ever been my pleasure to know. They have just been told that their life is probably fucked, and they manage to think about everyone else.

It's when people have to deal with serious shit that the good shines through.

Performers - what is YOUR plan should you ever get a positive test at a screening?

a) Is it to just vanish and say nothing?

b) Is it to wait and see what happens with the second test, and sod anyone unlucky to get infected before you go public (if confirmed), or is it

c) to say "Excuse me guys, we should stop for a couple of days" pending the second test?

and would YOU want your name out there?

Would you also out all the people you have worked with?

The industry needs a plan and rule set but that's for another day, after some sleep.

Personal comments - At the risk of sounding all American chat show, today I have seen people put through the mill, make and get phone calls that no one should ever have to make or get, and it has brought out the best in people.

FYI the second test results are due Thursday afternoon.

AITA will be informed and making all announcements etc.

Webmaster of [url][/url]
I still love performing and shooting, and always happy to help people make porn. Esp if will be an outlet :-)
Tanya Cox
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Re: THAT email

Post by Tanya Cox »

Coundn't agree with you more Paul....
The sooner we know this information the better,

I think it was very professional of you to inform us all and advice a shutdown,
And even more so for him/her to come forward and think of the rest of us when they are going through hell,

If we all take the necessery precautions and shut down till we hear more or 3 months since our last contact shoot then we don't need to know who it is,

They did the right thing and i would do the same if it happened to me.

Sarah Kelly
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Re: THAT email

Post by Sarah Kelly »

You did absolutely the right thing and in the right way.
Your never going to please everybody,so dont let that bother you.
I really feel for them-It is an incredibly brave thing they have done,considering their head must be all over the place..My prayers are with them,and that Thursday is good news.

Always certed,works to Hard BG/GG/ANAL/DP+EXTREME Fetish.
Easy going,fun,Hard Working,Professional
I turn up prepared,on time,ready to shoot what you want as I`m RELIABLE! ;)

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Re: THAT email

Post by kaitaylor »

Fair play OLD BEAN

Dreams can come true, never say never!!
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Re: THAT email

Post by Millzy82 »

I don't think any right minded person can criticise you for announcing it as soon as you could - that was the first duty to the industry as a whole.

Respecting the confidence of the person involved is very commendable as is the fact that they notified you instead of keeping quiet and letting all hell break loose.
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Re: THAT email

Post by DaveDeep »

The right thing was done my both Paul & the poor victim no. 1 , of course they are not they caught it from someone else after all!? I have to say coming forward to warn everyone else despite what they are going through show the very best face of humanity.

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Re: THAT email

Post by chloelovettexxx »

I feel that too much panick was set in, which caused the witchhunt today.

I think the best way would of been to come forward just because i think people got more angry coz of the hiding the name, i understand why she wanted to be hidden, but nobody would of been mad if she had said it straight up.

We all know the risks, but some people could of worked today if we had known, as there is no way that the whole industry has been in contact directly or indirectly.

A plan needs to be made if this happens again.

Hopefully its negative, but if it is, we have to hope that they are right, and it doesnt show up again in 3 months time, that will f**k everything up.

Best wishes to the her, we all hope it will be ok, good luck.

We all need to learn from this one way or another.

Chloe Lovette xxx
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Re: THAT email

Post by Toliverwist »

Thank you for the heads up Paul.

Your action in this matter has been faultless.

And as you say, full marks and appreciation to the performer, who must be going through several kinds of hell, for thinking first of the wider implications, including the health of adult performers.

I feel for that individual and hope, really hope, they get good news today.

I have asked for this profile to be deleted.
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Re: THAT email

Post by Tammielee1 »

I think you did the right think for sure Paul.

[Edited by moderator]

sexy Tammie lee x
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Re: THAT email

Post by Tammielee1 »

I hope the results are negative today xx

sexy Tammie lee x