I dont Get The Reason For This Email

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I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by puretotty »

I really dont get why this email as been sent out... Here is what I got, and I am sure many of you the same...


I have been contacted today by an adult performer who has had a positive test for HIV.

This is a preliminary result and hopefully will prove to be a false alarm.

However until then the only sensible thing to do is NOT SHOOT anything that could present a risk to any parties.

The NHS clinic concerned will be contacting those who may be at risk on account of having worked with the person involved.

For clarification, I will NOT be naming the individual concerned, but it is not me.

If you email me seeking more information, your emails will probably be ignored. I do not know who the clinic will be contacting, I do not know who is at risk, and I do not have permission to say any more than I have done.

If you are worried as to your status, contact your local clinic for tests.

End of message."

I really dont get the reason to send this out ? Surely this will do nothing but cause a whole bunch of panic... if the person isnt going to be named in particular ?!

Sorry I might be dumb, just dont get why it was sent out...

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Re: I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by Admo »

Yep i got the email too. Totally crazy.

If the affected person has let AIR know then they presumably meant thier name to be given out at least privately. Otherwise whats the point of telling AIR ?
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Re: I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by Millzy82 »

[quote]"However until then the only sensible thing to do is NOT SHOOT anything that could present a risk to any parties."[/quote]

I think why it was sent out is obvious as per the line you quoted. If you notify those performing in or producing content, they should know to avoid any activity that could further pass on HIV, of course assuming the performer's positive test is confirmed. This has happened several times in the US where the industry was effectively shut down for weeks the last 3 or 4 times somebody in the industry tested positive.

Not to say anything about this positive HIV test result is incredibly irresponsible for what should be obvious reasons. Remember that the person who hasn't been named (yet) has only come back positive on their preliminary test - false positive tests are known to happen so to name them at this stage could be damaging to them.
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Re: I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by WillieShafter »

Well put Millzy82.

As you say to do nothing would be irresponsible. Forewarned is forearmed for those that choose to heed it. If everybody does heed the warning, and it does turn out to be a positive result, then others could be spared the same fate. The problem is the possible 2 to 3 month timescale of it showing up.

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Re: I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by puretotty »

Ok that makes sense... I guess I shouldn't post after 12am...

I guess the industry grinds to a halt, or at least shoots with protection... of course I have a sneeky feeling that wont happen...

I of course hope it proves to be a false result... I wouldn't wish that on anybody...

I met a girl in the US at one of the shows, who had done a scene with a guy who was HIV, and had kept it secret... she got full blown Aids and had months to live when I met her... it was horrible :(

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Re: I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by Nob3y »

I also got this e mail and thought to myself,whats the point of saying that?
Unless names are mentioned whats everybody to do in the mean time?
This will create paranoia as who knows the person(s) affected... none of us.
So what do we all do now? well the only thing is to stop all boy/girl and girl/girl surley as we dont know who is going to be caught up in this.

I know I am ok as my last certs came back clear and I havent done anything for a while.

Born to Lose..... Live to Win
Sarah Kelly
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Re: I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by Sarah Kelly »

I didnt quite read it this way,then again being a mere woman it doent surprise me .......

I have a shoot today.

If I was concerned in ANY way about the other performers health status at least I know have the option of
a)asking for a replacement
d)rubbering up

As it is,Im quite happy with my partner for today so I have no worries but I wouldnt think that much of Paul if ,being informed by the performer THEMSELF, he then kept it to his self! He has done absolutely the right thing

Forewarned is forearmed,they do say...

Dont we want these things out in the open,able to be discussed rationally? ... The industry has enough problems as it is without being seen to be totally irresponsible ....

I would have thought it re assuring to new/newish girls coming into the biz that,if there`s a red flag event,it`s out there,not hidden by those that know- and it might prompt more onto the forums to engage in the banter if they felt part of "the community" and able to discuss sensitive issues sensibly..

Really hoping its a false negative result for the person concerned and THANK YOU for bringing it to Pauls attention,so he could at least give people the correct info.

That took guts..Fingers crossed for you x ..............................

Always certed,works to Hard BG/GG/ANAL/DP+EXTREME Fetish.
Easy going,fun,Hard Working,Professional
I turn up prepared,on time,ready to shoot what you want as I`m RELIABLE! ;)

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Re: I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by ValerieFox »

Sure the email could be fake, or the test could be false, but what if it's not people? Until this is cleared up I wouldn't risk it. Even if you have been tested HIV has a window period and usually doesn't even show up positive in people for at least 30 after after exposure, but can be 3-6 months before it does in some cases, so there is still a risk, and though I am not shooting at the moment, if I was I certainly wouldn't risk it at the moment until this was cleared up. I value my life far too much and is not worth the risk.

Copied from wikipedia-

"Window period
Antibody tests may give false negative (no antibodies were detected despite the presence of HIV) results during the window period, an interval of three weeks to six months between the time of HIV infection and the production of measurable antibodies to HIV seroconversion. Most people develop detectable antibodies approximately 30 days after infection, although some seroconvert later. The vast majority of people (97%) have detectable antibodies by three months after HIV infection; a six-month window is extremely rare with modern antibody testing.[9] During the window period, an infected person can transmit HIV to others although their HIV infection may not be detectable with an antibody test. Antiretroviral therapy during the window period can delay the formation of antibodies and extend the window period beyond 12 months.[10] This was not the case with patients that underwent treatment with post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Those patients must take ELISA tests at various intervals after the usual 28 day course of treatment, sometimes extending outside of the conservative window period of 6 months. Antibody tests may also yield false negative results in patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia; other diagnostic tests should be used in such patients."

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Re: I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by paradise_summers »

Its better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health.
Althought I no longer do boy/girl I still do girl/girl, until this is all sorted out either way for the time being I'm cancelling all my girl/girl shoots.
I think Paul did the right thing by telling everyone so they can make an informed choice on shooting girl/girl and boy/girl or not, given the situation.
Paradise Summers x
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Re: I dont Get The Reason For This Email

Post by ValerieFox »

Apparently the email is legit..
