How would you deal with this?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: How would you deal with this?

Post by puretotty »

Hmmm... yes then he has acted very craftily in my opinion...

I am not sure however what you could do about it in fairness, for that you really would need to seek legal advice...

I guess it depends how much money you believe this action as cost you... as to weather it's worth the effort...

Ashleigh Doll
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Re: How would you deal with this?

Post by Ashleigh Doll »

When you look at in it that way it probably isn't worth the effort. I'll just hope that karma gets him eventually!

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Re: How would you deal with this?

Post by Benson_Media »

I'm assuming you didn't have a written shared content/license agreement? But did you sign model releases?

If there is no written agreement and no signed model releases you actually have a stronger case. In which case I would sue.

It doesn't have to cost a fortune. First stop would be your local Citizens Advice Bureau. They will give you free legal advice.

9/10 if you lawyer up and back this up with email correspondence which is deemed a legal document you can negotiate a deal. Crap that you would have to go that far but I'm assuming even in your circumstances the monies involved could justify this course of action.

You seem like a bright kid so shouldn't really have a problem with any of this. Its just uncomfortable right?

Anyway, regards 'tarnished reputations'..I tarnish mine everyday. And I do have a solid reputation as a troublesome wanker. So you didn't hear any of this from me. Right?


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Re: How would you deal with this?

Post by william »

This is pretty poor show....

How about joining his site and dowloading the material yourself and then plastering it all over the net as it is your material anyways? Id stay away from lawyers as these cost the earth and if you throw the first letter then you could legally be cleaned out with the cost of these things escalating.... So id be careful there. Learn though - and make sure no one else can do this to you again. Its your material works keep it that way.
Ive had a few shoots as a hobbyist and enjoyed that alot - purely for my own use and not for publication etc. This guy just shows that any business there are cranks about and people ready to take a run on things for their own personal gain.
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Re: How would you deal with this?

Post by videokim »

Did you both sign model releases & what was on the said model release, when we do content share the girl as a copy of everything plus edited versions in different formats for various sites etc like AW.
We always advise models not to sign anything until they have all the material promised, if you have signed a model release which does not state that it's content share then you have no case against what he does with the footage.
This is why when people want content share they come to us as we have been around 14yrs & have never had any problems with models etc, our model releases state quite clearly what material is being used & what for & the model is told to read it before signing.

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled