My email also hacked.

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Tia Bell
Posts: 20
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

My email also hacked.

Post by Tia Bell »

Hi guys 'n girls

As above, my email has also been hacked so PLEASE dont click on any links in any emails you may get from me.

I wont send you any links unless we have discussed it beforehand so if it arrives out of the blue its most likely a virus.

Sorry to anyone who might have got one.

Posts: 668
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: My email also hacked.

Post by Emac »

As soon as I read this I knew you had a Hotmail account... even before looking!

I wouldn't use Hotmail even if I was being paid to use it. It is the most leak-prone web-based mail system in the world. I wouldn't go near it.
Posts: 29
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: My email also hacked.

Post by erotical »

To avoid this kind of problem, make sure you use a strong password, e.g. at least 8 characters with a mixture of letters and numbers, not including common english words. Applies to any email address, gmail, hotmail, live, yahoo.

Its pain but security savvy organisations usually expect users to change passwords e.g. every 8 weeks and not re-use an old one.

There is a myth that hotmail is more vunerable, no evidence try asking a security expert.

Another bad piece of advice I've heard is to use an email account on your own website. This can be less secure as well as less flexible, better off with gmail or hotmail/live etc.

Nowadays main sources of vulnerability are the various social engineering attacks, in simple terms being conned into giving someone your password. If you encounter anything unusual involving your email address, change your password.