Maybe the girls could be to their page
No problems.....only solutions
Front page girl?
Re: Front page girl?
Why does an Aussie have to come up with an idea like that, might not be workable though.
Re: Front page girl?
The suggstion of linking parts of the graphic to the appropriate page seemed a good one, or else making the name pop up as the pointer moved over the relevant face. However, whatever method chosen short of putting the names in the graphic, which would indeed look hideous, more often than not a new visitor would still ask the question on the forum when they happened not to move their mouse pointer over the graphic and thus failed to see that there were links, or whatever. As to putting the names in the FAQ, the same problem applies. As we know all too well, reading the FAQ is all too rare.
Re: Front page girl?
Oh well regular forum peep's will just have to surpress their sigh's of angrish next time someone ask's.