Channel 4 have just aired 'Risind damp' the movie.As the credits came up at the end, none other than Carrie Jones was credited (she played Alans girlfriend).IMBD seem to think it's the same Carrie Jones as I do but can anyone confirm this? The film was made in 1980, so she would have to have been very young at the time and of course she looked nothing like the Carrie Jones of the last few years.
I wish I'd taped it now !
Rising Damp.
Re: Rising Damp.
Close but no cigar. Carrie/Kerry is approx 33 now and if it was the same one, it would make her approx 11 in the film.
Re: Rising Damp.
Cheers, Ace.I thought it was a bit odd but didn't know her current age so couldn't confirm.
Re: Rising Damp.
No, not much (it was transmitted during the afternoon after all!).A slight view of her knockers as she stripped to pose as an artists model, but that was it.Not exactly a trousers round ankles moment, but I still wouldn't mind a second look on slow motion 

Re: Rising Damp.
sorry,miss jones dosent turn me on i preferred cuckoo waltz with diane keen and lewis collins really.