Site Review- TMVideoproductions

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Site Review- TMVideoproductions

Post by Kryten »

Well you can find a review on the following website, Look for recent reviews at the top.

This site in my experience usually nails the subject pretty well. Might be good feedback for the owner....

TM Video

Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions

Post by TM Video »

Well we are bias of course but I find that they were a bit unfair. We do have some plugins which they complained about as they have ads etc on them but they are not the first links you find when you hit our main members page and they made it sound like you couldn't find "our" content. These links to "our" content are the first you find on the main members page. The webcams etc are all free but you pay for "private" one on one's with the models (this is by the way how the model's get paid!!).

It seems the reviewer trashes sites that are not his/her cup of tea as most of the ones reviewed by CarbDung seem to be poor and the write-ups nasty. We submitted our site for review as most of the folks doing the reviewing seemed fair and honest but also kind in the write-up. You can say something is not what you like or that "plug-ins" detract without slamming the site. But this is just my opinion.

Question for the members of the forum then...

Do you mind some plug-ins on a site if they have some ads etc but give you 1000's of extra photos or would you just like the main content of the site?

Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions

Post by Limahl »

Looks like Patrick Riley is moonlighting as a website reviewer

Carbungs style doesn't give enough precise info that i would consider useful.Gives no comparisons to other sites or similar price,quality etc

Probably just finished reviewing 8 sites in a row
on a Monday

Still 40/100 is better than the other 2 sites received

TM Video

Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions

Post by TM Video »

Thanks for some positive feedback with this... thought maybe we had lost the plot and totally sucked!! LOL!!

x3guide review of TMVideoproductions

Post by CarbDung »


Why didn?t you have the sac to email me directly to respond to issues you had with my review? We respond (quite well!) to direct questions and issues webmasters have with our reviews. Instead you found it necessary to cry to on this BBS like a little 10 year old girl.

So sorry you had to find out your website you think is so great is not so great. I spent way too much time digging through the shoddily arranged and formatted members area to find your "original and exclusive comment". One of the things I do when I get inside the members area is click on every link, banner, graphic etc. to see what's there. In the case of your site I was led down a number of paths to other pay sites, webcams, and other junk. What would represent the value to a surfer by the inclusion of those items? Anyone can access those (not) free features without joining your site.

And when I did get to the hallowed ground of your actual content (what people are paying to see, remember?) the whopping total of 5 (FIVE!) tiny video clips didn't exactly have me jumping for joy. You produce videos and that's the best you can provide on your site? Five measly 60 second clips? Do you consider that a reasonable value for the admission to the site? Pretty stingy if you ask me.

As for the photos, I am amazed you would have the audacity to post such small pictures. The thumbs are smaller than alot of the icons on a Windows desktop. And when I clicked on them to enlarge, I was lucky if they were any better than 400x600 pixels. And their resolution was in most cases pretty poor. Shocking, considering you are (supposedly) a video production company. Generally I assume most people have some command of the craft they are employed in. Silly me...

As far as me trashing sites that aren't my "cup of tea", did you read any of my other reviews or is that just your way of rationalizing the ass-whipping your site got? Go run a search on our database using my name and you?ll see that I reviewed and liked a wide variety of adult sites: teen, plump, amateur, corporate, mature etc. The common denominator to the sites I liked was they delivered on what they promised. And they offered quality content. Two qualities which were conspicuously absent from your site. And a nasty write up is always guaranteed if someone tells a lot of lies on their tour, and just has a lot of junk/garbage/trash inside. I?ve been ripped off so many times by sites that looked good on the outside and were rotten on the inside. Like yours. And my reviews suck? Hmm?better tell the sites that link to my reviews that. I?m sure, or were way off base when they linked to us. Oh wait, their sites don?t suck.

Oh, and ?Limahl??When?s that KajaGooGoo reunion gonna happen? I?ll tell you the same thing I told your pal ?TM?: READ MY REVIEWS! We don?t publish reviews without real quantifiable numbers of pics, videos etc. Did you even bother reading the one for TMVideos? (?Carbungs style doesn't give enough precise info that i would consider useful.Gives no comparisons to other sites or similar price,quality etc?) I?ll could compare it to other sites, but the list of horrible rip-offs would be so large we?d crash our server. And what?s your purpose there anyways? TMVideo cheerleader?

Produce quality websites and charge people a fair price for them. I don't think that's asking too much. Plenty of other people are doing it, why can't you?

Your pal-


o/t Re: x3guide review of TMVideoproductions

Post by buttsie/Limahl »

Whats this?

The critic/reviewer can't take a little bit of criticism
The sort of reaction i'd expect from a Ten year old

He/She who chooses to use abuse/insults through cliches instead of constructive criticism in reviews better be thick skinned

If you read my post you will see I was passing comment on YOUR review not wether the site was Ok or not

If I were a cheerleader for the site then you'd assume I've seen it...which I haven't...and would have refuted a few of your claims...which i didn't

Yes...I read several of your views

You seem to put more useful info into the sites you like best

Officer Dibble

Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions

Post by Officer Dibble »

Yes indeed. I've long looked at the TM Video intro pages and wondered how a supposedly profesional photo/video outfit's site could look so spectacularly appalling. I can't even say that it is badly designed, because there is no design! Like the critical reviewer said ?it looks like it was all cobbled together in 45 mins!? I often wondered whether TM had got a very sophisticated sense of humour and they were somehow being 'ironic' or maybe they were just having a laugh and taking the piss? But no, seems they're serious. I can't comment on the content or usability of the site, as I haven?t gone that far. But hey, everyone in site construction and design knows that it's your home page and intro pages that set the whole tone of a site. I'm totally amazed - and annoyed - that no one has pulled TM up about this before. It hits me like a ton of bricks every time I click on their home page.

Of course The Officer is bound to receive some flack back about his web efforts but that's OK, I can justify anything I've done. I'm quite comfortable that the design of my stuff is pretty good, maybe not quite in the Premier league, but if I had more time... And remember mine are hobby sites, I don't make my living from them and I don't charge, I add bits of content when I can find the time. The only really naff thing about any of my sites is the VA News page, which WAS cobbled together in 45 mins!

If you?d like to see an example of some respectable art and design have a gander at this home page Bit of a firkin' difference hey? And checkout this interactive info page Maybe you?d also like to examine the quality and resolution of the free piccis?


Re: o/t Re: x3guide review of TMVideoproductions

Post by John »

Has CarbDung said anything wrong?

What he has said is 100% correct.

It does look a poor site, lets face it, not many sites look that bad these days.

I am sure if TV Video sat down and thought about it, all they have to do isw make the changes and they should get more members.

Its up to TM Video, they can keep there site as it is (looking like a first time quick 10 min attempts by somone new to a pc), or spend ?5 on a pc mag and get some free softwear to do web pages, and then make some good cash.

If you are limited to the amount you can host, change to a better web hosting firm, most now offer a basic package of 200 mb of disk space, enough for say 20 decent sized vid clips and pics, though these days most decent sites over about 4gb of vids.

One thing x3guide or another site should also state the amount of (estimated) content.

I think any site with less than 4gb, is not worth joining.

Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions

Post by Doobrie »

I've got to say I'm with Dibble and CarbDung. Having had this misfortune of joining TMVideos site some time ago I fwlt very let down with the lack of any quality content. I hope that this feedback will peovide an impetous to improve matters as I'm sure that they have the resource and capability of providing some good uk content ! Quality - 1024x768 photos with sets of 20 or more. Video - Streaming and downloadable clips of at least 5-10 mins per vid. Just thought I'd provide a benchmark for you TMV.

On a sidenote - Dibble, how do you order through your website as there seem to be a number of dead links ???


Re: Site Review- TMVideoproductions

Post by Strand »

UK Shags does look good but it will look even better when (if) its finished. :-)