O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by magoo »

The Mods have done a great job deleting the shite being posted by a sad and lonely troll. My patience snapped and my reply was deleted along with his/her venomous post. My guess is that the troll is probably a woman from an anti-porn group. I feel myself veering towards Officer Dibbles view that all these hand-wringing Guardian reading public sector twats should be shot at dawn. They are fascists and worse than Maggie(sorry Dibble I know you still hold a torch for her).

Magoo(too liberal by half)
Officer Dibble

Re: O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by Officer Dibble »

Truly Magoo you are a man of uncommon perception, logic, taste and vision. A lateral thinker the beauty and elegance of who's progressive philosophies rank second only to The Officer's.

In other words, you're a well cushty dude.


Re: O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by magoo »

Thanks Dibbsey old bean,

Do I get a free vid for that? Or failing that at least an invite to The Policemans Ball at Scotland Yard.

Re: O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by JP »

Bloody Hell, for once I have to agree with Dibble, it's one thing to have a go at the biz with the intention of trying to improve standards in the Adult British Biz as I often do on this forum but I must agree with him about all the liberal twats that comment on adult movies. Personally speaking I am totally f***ing p**sed off with being associated by both the right wing and liberal media in this country trying to link all law abiding adults who like adult erotica with Child Abusers who as far as I'm concerned deserve punishment they get.


Re: O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by Mart »

Please stop making such sweeping generalisations. I read The Guardian. I don't condemn people who read other newspapers.


Re: O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by buttsie »

As Woodgnome said recently "Don't fuel the Trolls Fire"
because it makes more work for the Mods when they could be doing other important work

We all know that abusive or downright anti-porn posts get deleted so there is no point in responding IMHO

We've heard all these arguments about how bad porn is...Blah Blah Blah...

Wheres the argument for the good that it does for society?

Society without Porn would be a scary place

Would be alot of frustration around I'm thinking


Re: O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by jj »

Well, you're in no position to, are you?

Re: O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by crofter »

whats wrong with Dickheads Running The Forum Magoo??

Re: O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by jj »

Probably doesn't like the competition from us other dickheads....

Re: O/T Dickheads Ruining The Forum

Post by Jizabell »

Agreed, surely the anti porn lot are from the right wing media and not the left. The left favours liberalisation, not the right. The Guardian has had several favourable articles on pornography including an interview with Master Ben Dover!