Jeremy Kyle Confronts The Sex Industry

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joe king
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Re: Jeremy Kyle Confronts The Sex Industry

Post by joe king »

Was that really your bedroom?

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Re: Jeremy Kyle Confronts The Sex Industry

Post by nikonman »

Skymouse ( Phil),

Thank you for all the information you have given us on the programme

Pleased to read that Maria is successful with other things now, and that she enjoyed her modelling at that time.

From one of the other posts on here I understand that Natalia has given up her modelling. I had the pleasure of a shoot with her some time ago now but found her to be a lovely girl and a great model.
I wish her well in whatever she is doing now.
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Re: Jeremy Kyle Confronts The Sex Industry

Post by skymouse »

It was my spare bedroom, yes.

I had to resist my urge to ask them how far they think I would get trying to book a studio and telling the studio owner it's for the Jeremy Kyle show. It was one of several times I had to bite my lip, knowing the truth would be edited out.

It's not a "small apartment", though.
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Re: Jeremy Kyle Confronts The Sex Industry

Post by skymouse »

Thanks Nikonman, much appreciated :) I'm seeing Natalia tomorrow and I'll pass on your greeting. She's one of a kind, in a good way.
one eyed jack
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Re: Jeremy Kyle Confronts The Sex Industry

Post by one eyed jack »

Thanks for that skymouse. I had a friend who was on the show tell me the same thing.

I would have thought fetish would have been a lot more acceptable than hard core porn. Weird

Maybe there are more sleazy connotations with hard core or Jeremys audience base wouldnt undertand what that means.

Probably sounds too deviant
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Re: Jeremy Kyle Confronts The Sex Industry

Post by skymouse »

One eyed jack, yes, it's a bit contradictory really. I've only occasionally contributed to terrestrial TV, and the circumstances (and, seemingly, the regulations) have been different each time.

Channel 4 had no problem, for example, showing live pissing. On ITV, I couldn't even use a phrase that suggested fetishes. How much is due to the difference in timeslots, or regulations, or individual broadcaster's policy, the goal of the individual programme, etc, I have no idea.

Maybe if they had decided my genres made the models "lose their self respect", they'd have found a way to sneak it in to make a point...
Daz Savage
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Re: Jeremy Kyle Confronts The Sex Industry

Post by Daz Savage »

@ Skymouse.
Your section of the show was the only one where I wasn't throwing my shoes at the screen... (I have a box full of them ready for such occasions).
You and the two girls certainly gave the bastards a run for their money, you held it together in a very sensible and open manner and were the only people (in my opinion) who came out of the show looking good.
You made JC and his henchwoman look like fools who had been slapping each other's back's over something which they'd got wrong all along.
You transformed the overall shape of the show and were like the twist in a suspense thriller - it was the ending they didn't want I'm sure... and frankly without your excellently measured and concerted performance the show would never have had the finale that it did... that I mean the grudgingly apologetic and uncharacteristically even-handed conclusion that was dragged (kicking and screaming) from that Kyle person.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
Daz Savage
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Post by Daz Savage »

!previous! "from that Kyle person." !previous!

Should read:
"from that loathesome Kyle person"

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
Daz Savage
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Post by Daz Savage »

Just read this one properly... can I just say what a strange statement it is to make about enjoying sex..?

Where are all these people that DON'T like sex then?
Where do they all hang out?
Surely if the statement is true then anyone is qualified for the job?
It's like saying you really need to enjoy breathing to be a dustbin man!

I have been on the planet over 40 years in in my entire time I have met one... just ONE! person who has openly said that they don't really enjoy sex that much...

...and she's in the adult industry!

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)