Porn studs; how you do it ?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Porn studs; how you do it ?

Post by magoo »

Dots not that bad......No your right shes worse than Emily. I would still give her one though but only if I lost my marbles. But I would need morphine and viagra first.
One Eyed Jack

Re: Porn studs; how you do it ?

Post by One Eyed Jack »

The discipline is in holding back until you have all bases covered. After all the holding back, this is what makes a pump action velocity cum shot...Oh and what Mick said earlier, editing...In some cases.

Re: Porn studs; how you do it ?

Post by jj »

...well, I'm glad none of us Brits seems to favour Mr North's preferred method of eliciting the 'beer-can effect' !!

Re: Porn studs; how you do it ?

Post by magoo(gushing) »

Ben does.
He expells a huge amount of his foul effluent upon meeting a young lady. Usually he manages to get her right in the eye but sometimes his aim goes wrong. If he accidentally spuffed in Marinos eye would that be classed as fiendly fire or "blue on blue" to give it its military word(cant spell uphanism).
jj Attention Deficit Disorder

being very boring......not for those with

Post by jj Attention Deficit Disorder »

I was rather referring to where Mr North's paramour's finger, allegedly (since there may be Legal Beagles watching....).
I liked the 'fiendly fire' typo, though....says it all really.
....I think the word you're after is 'euphemism', though it could be 'epiphany' or 'euhemerism'. I am frequently, as you can see, guilty of euphuism.

Re: being very boring......not for those with

Post by Layla~Jade »

I particularly like it when it goes in my eye....


Luv Lay
Wink Wink

Re: being very boring......not for those with

Post by Wink Wink »

So the moral of the story is: If you want to last longer think of something or someone non sexy or you have to be someone blessed with a slow release member.

Re: Porn studs; how you do it ?

Post by marino »

I thought I would add my five penneth worth. I have had the best time as a stud in this business, I still cant believe how lucky I am to be able to work and play with some of the women I have worked with, I must be honest I love to work with more than one girl and find it easier to last, as sometimes with just one partner the feelings can be stronger.
Plus WOW! who wants to fuck one girl when you can fuck four.