free photoshoot

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

free photoshoot

Post by 1roberto »

Girls wanted for free photoshoot, the theme would be the girl next door. I have a location sorted and just need the ladies. all the pictures you get to keep for your portfolio.

Daz Savage
Posts: 1686
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Daz Savage »

I understand your eagerness and you may be a great guy who will be an asset to the industry... why not email me and ask for some advice?

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
Daz Savage
Posts: 1686
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

See here:

Post by Daz Savage »

This guy is new too and see the difference in the way he has approached the issue of being new to the industry?

Try some humility.
Yes, I have none but then I know everything.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)