attn Doffman

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

attn Doffman

Post by alec »

Sorry, but your post breached the FAQ in a couple of different ways.

Re: attn Doffman

Post by Doffman »

Dear Webmaster,
Sorry to read your message about unsuitable protocol and method of enquiry. Could you tell me how I have breached your F A Q system? My initial enquiry was entirely geniune and the subject of my enquiry (vis. Mistress Caroline/Kerry Matthews) was purely to elicit totally voluntary information from your subscribers.

Should you wish me to ask questions or even give my views in a more acceptable manner I will be more than pleased to do so. Sorry for any offence caused.

Yours sincerely

Phil K

Re: attn Doffman

Post by Phil K »

And to answer your follow-up reply to Alec (now also removed), please read FAQ 2.3