Uk teen rachel

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Uk teen rachel

Post by william »

I remember there was a girl called Rachel who used to do the bukkake thing - she had her own site but now its all gone away.... She was stunning.

Anyone know where she went and if she is still in the business?
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Re: Uk teen rachel

Post by william »

Well if she did and is living happily ever after good for her - loved her look and she was well horny. Worth a treck to Brum - think she did some work in the privaye club and also worked a few gangbangs aswell - her partner was quite protective of her and limited the number of guys that got to shag her but talking to one guy she was incredably tight and knew how to milk with her pussy muscles. Jammy swines!
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Re: Uk teen rachel

Post by planeterotica »

I attended one of her gangbangs in London some years ago she was well horny !wink!

Daz Savage
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Re: Uk teen rachel

Post by Daz Savage »

She certainly looked the part.
The only issue I ever had with her site was that they never bothered to rotate images... sloppy!.. and I don't just mean the Bukkakes!

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
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Re: Uk teen rachel


Hi All
i used to know Rachel and her partner Neil really well and attended several open and private sessions with her. She was a total babe and I'll never forget my first sesh at Jury's in Bham, she was stunning!!!! I couldn't believe it at first. To see her spunked on by 20 guys is something else.

She has moved away now is probably living off the proceeds of her site. I first met Lucy b at one of her sessions.

The other Rachael from Bham who did a lot of stuff with Calvin was also excellent and I've got loads of pix of her on my AW profile.

What ever happened to Sammy Thai Girl?

Jamie (aka JJ)

Adultwork Diamondmodels.