Has she?? I keep seeing websites and a few none penatrive(sp) pictures, if she has done hardcore anyone got links/ pic of it.
Jo Gues Hardcore ( has She done any)
Re: Jo Gues Hardcore ( has She done any)
Teresa May has also done some in her private life. Or so I heard.
Re: Jo Gues Hardcore ( has She done any)
there is some semi hardcore photos around but no real hardcore stuff.
Re: Jo Gues Hardcore ( has She done any)
I was going to post and ask if it is a good idea to ask the girl herself wether such material has been shot of her or not as she is in Bristol on saturday, if you see me with one rosy cheeek you know I've asked her and got a non commital reply

Re: Jo Gues Hardcore ( has She done any)
Here is a site marked 'Everything you wanted to know about Jo, but were afraid to ask':
Also deals with the hardcore question!
Also deals with the hardcore question!