I'm having a clearout at home and have a shedload of men's magazines from 70's to 90's which are taking up a lot of space.
If anyone in the forum can advise me as to where the best place to offload them would be, it would be much appreciated.
Not particularly bothered how much I get for them (if anything at all). If anyone on the forum would like them, they're more than welcome to them. The only thing I'd ask for is the cost of the postage...they're heavy |
If this post contravenes ant posting regs, apologies in advance.
Karol, hold onto your 1970's stuff, it will be an investment, especially if they are 'strong' like Playbirds or 'deleted' like Oui. DO NOT take them to a second-hand shop or he will offer you 10p per magazine and blag you hes doing YOU a favour!! Trust me on this. If you dont believe me, check out jobbydealer who specializes in mags from this era and see how much they are going for!