Anna Span...

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: What do you think??

Post by woodgnome »

hi anna, great to see you in the forum!

thanx for spreading the word, chanta!

i'm a longtime fan and to save prattling, i made these posts about you earlier in the year:-

do you have any plans to release h/c material for the r18 category? there's a growing trend towards making new series in two versions: softcore for satellite, hardcore for video.

i'd ask if you had plans for a follow up to the peerless 'planet nadia' but as andrea's announced her retirement from the industry, there's no point! :-(

i only get the adult channel, so can't contribute anything about your recent stuff but i wondered if your stalled magnum opus (the feature film that ran out of funds) had any prospect of completion yet!

there have been some posts about the time being right for higher production values than we've come to expect. do you think it's possible to produce something on a bigger budget, in this country? perhaps, by keeping more than one eye on the american market, to make it financially feasible? gonzo has it's appeal but a bit of narrative structure wouldn't go amiss!

do you have any plans for a web presence, as there's sod all on the net about you at the mo? there must be room for at least a smidgeon of quality, amidst a sea of dross!

more power to yer editing machine!


Anna Span

Re: Answers to questions

Post by Anna Span »

Hello Woodgnome thanks for sticking your head out.

Answers to your questions;

Yes it's a shame re; Nadia's decision - but you know what adult porn stars are like - more retirements than Nigel Mansell, I hold my breath. hopefully she will reconsider.

Having said that, I am looking for new 'personalities' that can sustain a series like planet Nadia - got any ideas?. I have found a few but am still looking.

The feature film I started with Chanta Rose will still go ahead as soon as some bright business head realises that economic possiblities of the project. I feel quite precious about the project as it was my first film and will be my first feature I'm sure so i am holding out for a decent budget, fingers crossed.

Web site a coming, promise. In fact two are a coming. Keep you posted. Actually, thinking about it, what would you all like to see that you are not getting from the sites already out there?. - i'll do my best.

R18 to follow as soon as I get legal stuff sorted.

Ta ducks, Anna.

Re: Answers to questions

Post by woodgnome »

nigel mansell - what he couldn't do with that moustache! that was nadia's biggest failing - not enough facial hair!

i've put up some new nadia pix at: a bit different from 'planet nadia', i think you'll agree!

nice to have so many answers in the affirmaive re. website, feature film, r18.

as for new personalities, i have to put forward the heroine of my own little fan site, rebekah jordan! brains + beauty + personality by the shed load! (i'm not on a commission, by the way!)

ideas for your websites:- how about intelligence!! a novel concept in the troglodyte world of porn but many of us feel it's time has come.

an emphasis on narrative would be interesting - don't ask me how but it would make a nice change from somebody just plonking images up there! personality, quirkiness, humour, even seriousness - these are all things in short supply in the cyber sex universe!

it might be worth making a fresh post with this question at the top of the forum. we're a bit off the beatent track here! ;-)

best of luck!
Chanta Rose

Re: Answers to questions

Post by Chanta Rose »

I worked with Rebekah a few weeks back and I think she has already arranged to have her own series on TVX so she probably couldn't head another for Anna but you never know.

Re: Answers to questions

Post by woodgnome »

rebekah mentioned the new series to me and it sounds seriously interesting! she'll be casting it herself and is keen to push the envelope, by the sound of it!

maybe you'll be getting a phone call from her! ;-)

Re: What do you think??


Hi I am a semi retired video producer/director/editor with about 40 Electric Blue titles under my belt....

I would like to have a chat with you if possible about a project.

Won't take long and may well interest you both creatively and financially.

Nice to see someone out there in the great big British world of semi soft grubble actually doing something different and real. Best regards,


0207 231 1013
side show bob

Re: looking :)-]-[

Post by side show bob »

Hello Anna,

I take it from the e-mails you have produced videos for tvx.Im looking for a copy of strap-o-gram girls featuring the aussie girl which bgafd lists as jessica 6 her real name is rebecca.Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.