thanx for spreading the word, chanta!
i'm a longtime fan and to save prattling, i made these posts about you earlier in the year:-
do you have any plans to release h/c material for the r18 category? there's a growing trend towards making new series in two versions: softcore for satellite, hardcore for video.
i'd ask if you had plans for a follow up to the peerless 'planet nadia' but as andrea's announced her retirement from the industry, there's no point!

i only get the adult channel, so can't contribute anything about your recent stuff but i wondered if your stalled magnum opus (the feature film that ran out of funds) had any prospect of completion yet!
there have been some posts about the time being right for higher production values than we've come to expect. do you think it's possible to produce something on a bigger budget, in this country? perhaps, by keeping more than one eye on the american market, to make it financially feasible? gonzo has it's appeal but a bit of narrative structure wouldn't go amiss!
do you have any plans for a web presence, as there's sod all on the net about you at the mo? there must be room for at least a smidgeon of quality, amidst a sea of dross!
more power to yer editing machine!