I saw a few people mentioning that they had bought Dodger DVDs from at least 1 different place, sold under a different name, as Dodger's ones didnt play on their player.
Please can anyone let me know alternative sources for Dodger DVDs, as I am interested in getting all teh ones that feature Claudia Casali.
Dodger DVDs
Re: Dodger DVDs
for details, but I don't understand why Dodger DVDs bought from an alternative source (assuming there is one) would be any different in their playing requirements......unless of course they had been pirated.......
Re: Dodger DVDs
Don't buy them from Erotica Boutique, i got mine there and had to send a dozen e-mails before getting my DVD, then it was on a DVD-R, with no case or cover. Bad Customer Servive. I hope Dodger reads this.
Re: Dodger DVDs
I'm pretty unsophisticated in this medium, but would guess that by 'DVD-R' you're saying it was a copy?
Irrespective of the issues raised if that's true, is it right that most players will handle DVD-R OK?
......I ask because suburbansluts advertise their products as
'DVD-R Mpeg 2'...and my machine's specs say it will play DVD-R and Mpeg II formats: which I assume means I'm OK.....
Irrespective of the issues raised if that's true, is it right that most players will handle DVD-R OK?
......I ask because suburbansluts advertise their products as
'DVD-R Mpeg 2'...and my machine's specs say it will play DVD-R and Mpeg II formats: which I assume means I'm OK.....
Re: Dodger DVDs
They never said it was on a DVD-R, You Pay for a genuine product, proper packaging and cover etc, not get a copied product which has clearly wriiten on the bottom or top
of the screen dodger.co.uk.
A pirate job no doubt.
of the screen dodger.co.uk.
A pirate job no doubt.
Re: Dodger DVDs
I'm under the impression that even the ones direct from Dodger himself are on DVD-R without cases or covers.
Re: Dodger DVDs
If your player states that specifically then you should be fine. Anyone buying and format of recordabel DVD disk should check and make sure they player is definately compatible. There are 4 different formats of recordable video DVD out at the moment and any given player my play any and reject any of the 4 so its very important to check first.
Re: Dodger DVDs
Right, now I'm really confused !!
It's gonna be a bit tedious, ordering just the one disc to see, before putting in larger orders......
It's gonna be a bit tedious, ordering just the one disc to see, before putting in larger orders......
Re: Dodger DVDs
I bought a dvd player late last year that was meant to play 99%of dvd formars incuding vcd's.. Unfortunately Dodgers don't play .. And yup on my pc when I do watch it the www.didger.co.uk is all over the bottom of the sceeen..
I've just started producing short girl/toy vids when doing a shoot and burn them all as a VCD as this is playable on most DVD machines anywhere in the world without any region problems.. Maybe Dodger should do the same..
I've just started producing short girl/toy vids when doing a shoot and burn them all as a VCD as this is playable on most DVD machines anywhere in the world without any region problems.. Maybe Dodger should do the same..