Sunday Sport Adverts

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Johnny Vegas

Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by Johnny Vegas »

Could whoever please explain why both my (very sensible and
straightforward) enquiries about sunday Sport adverts (extremely
on-topic by way) were deleted without comment?

Re: Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by alec »

Because you are a troll who already knows the answer. If not then York University must be desperate to admit as a student or employ as a member of staff someone stupid enough to be taken in by adverts such as those you described.
Johnny Vegas

Re: Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by Johnny Vegas »

Firstly I have not been "taken in" by them at all because if I had been and had actually sent off I would already know the answer to my question. (And I'm the stupid one?)

As a "connoisseur" of porn there is no doubt whatsoever that you yourself HAVE been "taken in" which is how you know the answer and why you are so bitter.

I see nothing in the character of my question that in any
way makes me a troll and I am quite sure there are countless
visitors to this forum who have wondered exactly the same thing.

Yes I AM a student at York University and my department is in
the top five in the country; its entrance requirements are very
stringent (hardly desperate) and I am continuing to meet all academic requirements connected with being here.
The fact that you have seen fit to bring up such a personal
detail indicates that the stupid one is you and that you also have a number of other self-esteem issues to go with it.
I hope that other members of the forum take note of your attitude to confidentiality.

Finally the possibilities of replying in like manner to your
insults are endless but that would simply make it easier for
you to take the coward's way out and summarily delete this post
in the same way that you deleted my previous equally reasonable
instances of the same question.

My original question still stands and still deserves areasonable answer.

Re: Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by rob »

So what was the original question ?

Re: Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by Lizard »

As I recall it was about "Sunday Sport Adverts" and ordering videos.
I think you should go ahead and place an order, knock yerself out,6 vids for ?55, dont know how Dave does it! then perhaps you could kindly post your thought on them.
I personally have never bought anything from the Sport or Sullivan empire, I,d rather eat my own face.

Phil K

Re: Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by Phil K »

Johnny Vegas wrote:

> My original question still stands and still deserves
> areasonable answer.

If you bothered to read the text immediately underneath the "post" button you could have applied some of your self-proclaimed intelligence and found the answer yourself - it's been asked countless times before as you would quickly discover.

Our evidence, based on the posting record from your location, suggests you are indeed the troll that Alec suggests. In the unlikely event that is incorrect, then we apologise ... though what I've said about reading the posting rules still stands.

Re: Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by marcusallen »

Personally, On my (extended) birthday, I trhink THE CHAPS
are correct and you are an asshole/timewaster.
"me protesteth to much"
Fuck off and annoy the amateurs on their own sites.
Phil McC & Violet

Re: Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by Phil McC & Violet »

And while we are on the subject, there has never been a London Bus found on the moon,

Phil McC (Friend of the Clippy)
jj hot off the press....

Re: Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by jj hot off the press.... » was a Morecambe Corporation one: everyone knows that....

Re: Sunday Sport Adverts

Post by mutanthalibut »

Why would anybody take you seriously after your debut posting on this site?
And couldn't you think of a name of your own or doesn't your massive intelligence permit you to have an imagination?