Is this normal

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Is this normal

Post by videokim »

You seem to have far more experience in the industry than me lol!

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled
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Re: Is this normal

Post by videokim »

The internet created this situation where a model can earn twice maybe three times the amount with non exclusive content share material that can keep earning rather than a one off fee which will be spent in days.
Like E-Bay AdultWork for instance is an instant earning site & because it pays more than any other contribution site in the UK or abroad its a big hit, E-Bay as had its day & so will AdultWork in the end but until then its the only real lifeline to many.
If content share was really that bad people would have stopped by now wouldn't they?

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled
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Re: Is this normal

Post by Biscuity »

Sure people can sell on adult work, but I'm yet to know anyone who mentions they make more money from it than if they simply were paid for the scenes.
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Re: Is this normal

Post by Biscuity »

Depends on what would be considered a good pay day for an adult shoot. I'd say for a full b/g , a days shooting, ?400 around is a decent payday.
Jo Juggs
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Re: Is this normal

Post by Jo Juggs »

Hi Kim,
I'm so happy that you have pulled out as well, maybe he will realise he can't treat people that way.

I love this forum as it's great for support & advice. Thanks for replies everyone.

Not long to go now Kim lol


I am no longer active in the adult industry, but loved every minute I was a part of it.
Jo Juggs
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Re: Is this normal

Post by Jo Juggs »

Just had an email followed by a text message from the guy asking me to reconsider and he will cover my costs inc petrol.

Think he wants & needs me far more than i need him lol


I am no longer active in the adult industry, but loved every minute I was a part of it.
one eyed jack
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Re: Is this normal

Post by one eyed jack »

Well this is precisely the kind of thing going on that professional producers want to disctance themselves from

Im not knocking amateurs per se but this is a bad example of an amteur who isnt playing the game to an acceptable standard.

Ive been hearing a lot of this going on where people say its always been happening but not to the degree its going on now and I dont even know you Wildgal.

Im really not surprised that porn is regarded as a sleazy sordid business. its not the sex, its the attitude towards it.

Seems everyone is trying to do it for free these days and people cant see the snowball effect content sharing and all the non paid shoots is having on the business.

It results in reduced rates and lack of paid work. You might think your little one or two shoots might not make a difference but if you think every model is doing it it sends out a signal to all the chancers and jack the lads that all porn stars are bang up for it 24-7 and not init for money.

Feel free to trash this by all means but thats the way I'm seeing it for the past couple years and I have experience because I was actually doing it and saw the results of the girls not making any money despite having a two year exclusive on the shoots we did.

All this doing it for funis great but if people arent paying for it anymore, then maybe perhaps regular professional producers shouldnt pay too.
Jo Juggs
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Re: Is this normal

Post by Jo Juggs »

Hi Jack,
I have only just come back to the adult industry and for me to help with profile & promotion of myself i have found that the content share i have done has benefited me.

I am now however not stating on profiles that i content share as the people i have worked with are enough for what i need out of the content side share of things. Those i have worked with & will be working with soon (ie kentish pete & Kim) have an agreement that content share is based on no fees and we can use the content of a shoot in any way we wish to that either helps promote you or the site you are on.

I am also now taking on paid work and this is now happening because i have done the content share side and have had some great photographs which has now got me noticed, so for me i have benefited.

If i could have afforded it i would however paid to have a professional portfolio done and would not have needed to content share, but alas it was not the case lol.

So i do fully understand your point of view, but there are always 2 sides to a story, and this is mine.

This is why i posted this link on the forum so i could get peoples feedback and i do appreciate what people have to say.

many thanks
Jo (who now has aching fingers from typing lol)

I am no longer active in the adult industry, but loved every minute I was a part of it.
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Re: Is this normal

Post by jimslip »

Jo, if you just read your own post and think about it, of course it's unfair, the guy is "taking the piss".

I mean to say, you must, " a bottle of good quality wine for the hosts!".....yeah and pour it all over the dudes head!!lol

If you think that's bad, what about a recent message I got on Facebook, "Dear Jim, Can I come on your set and fuck all the girls and you pay for everything, because I want to learn about the porno?"

My answer, "No, pal, fuck off!" lol

Here's another:

"Dear Jim, I am from Taiwan and I love your stuff and i am your biggest fan, can you send all your films to me for free, because I do not want to pay, here is my email address.......

My answer, "No, pal, fuck off!" lol

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Jo Juggs
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Re: Is this normal

Post by Jo Juggs »

OMG lol can't believe there are people that cheeky pmsl.

Well i guess there are those out there who think they can get the better of people and try n decieve you all for there own gain, and not caring enough about the models. But im 42 now and i don't suffer fools easily, and if this guy keeps calling my mobile (3 times so far today) then he will get a quality bottle of wine shoved somewhere, wide end first lol.


I am no longer active in the adult industry, but loved every minute I was a part of it.