Bloody Nora! Shamelessness!

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Bloody Nora! Shamelessness!

Post by Matt »

Didn't massage parlours use to be places that were pretending to offer massages but acutally offered the (wink wink) "full body" massage, about which nothing was mentioned, everything was hush hush and it only got whispered about between you and your selected (if you were lucky) lady?

Well fuck me sideways! Get a load of this!!!

We are truly progressing. This is a good thing, IMHO. I'm pondering at how long this has been open and what position it puts them in legally, but I lived in Manchester for five years before treading the convict's path and although I keep my ear to the ground when it comes to 'alternative' venues, I've never seen this one!

Have I fallen asleep for a few months and suddenly the UK's grown up? And the prices are reasonable too, I feel.

Not that I will be frequenting such establishments of course... Good God, no.

Re: Bloody Nora! Shamelessness!

Post by magoo »

Dont mention Manchester please. We have had quite enough of that.

Britain has progressed since you left on the convict ship. A little bit anyway. This is a clear message to Tony Blair that deportation of people called Matt does work. Or am I talking bollocks again?

Re: Bloody Nora! Shamelessness!

Post by Lizard »

You must have been in hibernation for the past decade Matt.
Manchester is the massage capital of the country, mind you it has more UTI clinics as well, and as for the activity around Mcr Airport!!! talk about travel broadning the mind..

Re: Bloody Nora! Shamelessness!

Post by magoo »

Hes been in Australia Liz. Its similar to hibernation but less interesting.

Sorry Buttsie mate. But I couldnt resist that temptation to be a smart arse.

Tie me kangeroo down sport, tie me kangeroo down, etc

Re: O/T Bloody Nora! Shamelessness!

Post by magoo »

Please put o/t in the subject header or else WG will knock yer block off! And Buttsie will cancel your milk. He helps out on the ongoing campaign against the o/t wallers you see. But its his day off so I am doing it instead.

Re: O/T Bloody Nora! Shamelessness!

Post by Lizard »

Maybe you should apply for the job of nightime moderator Maggsy.
only on condition that your pissed senseless, completely incoherant,abusive and allow all postings, apart from your own!
How much fun would that be?
magoo(in abusive mode)

Re: O/T Bloody Nora! Shamelessness!

Post by magoo(in abusive mode) »

I like that idea Lizzy. Apart from the bit about not allowing my own posts. Thats not very nice! Bloody reptiles.

o/t Re: Bloody Nora! Shamelessness!

Post by buttsie »

You're mother must be very having a smart arse and all...what ya feeding it...prune juice I hope.

KangAroo or is that Ken Guru...hes hibernating downunder... thank God for that
