Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by spankman »


http://www.vixenladies.com are looking for new female models for our range of women spanking men sites. We require good looking girls to spank some very naughty boys. We are located in Poole, Dorset. Some nudity may be required but is not always essential. If you are interested and would like more details please send a photo and your contact phone number to webmaster@vixenladies.com.



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Re: Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by CharismaGold »

Just sended you an email!

Best regards

Charisma Gold
Posts: 310
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by carmen232 »

you got mail

megan coxxx
Posts: 44
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by megan coxxx »

heya! i have done some of this before and loved it!!! let me know more info! x
Posts: 1320
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Re: Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by kerrylouiselove »

mmmmmmm id love this!

[url=http://pleasekerrylouise.com]http://pleasekerrylouise.blogspot.com - My Official Blog[/url]
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Re: Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by spankman »

Thanks to everyone who has responded so far, we are always looking for new models so if anyone else is interested then please get in touch.
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Re: Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by tori-b »

hi id be interested can you please mail toribaynes@btinternet.com thanks
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Re: Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by Storm »

Hi Spankman, i'm very interested in your spanking site. The idea of having a big strapping guy over my lap giving him a good spanking is really putting naughty wicked thoughts in my head. !wink!

Please consider me for some of your shoots, i would really enjoy it. x

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Re: Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by Tammielee1 »

emails sent x

sexy Tammie lee x
Posts: 63
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Wanted: Female Models for women spanking men sites

Post by CharismaGold »

Still no answer on my email till today unfortunatly.

Charisma Gold