o/t glamour magazines/style

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by Mikey »

Hi Guys

Not to start it up again,as our last debate,but I must say that the magazine sets nower days, Mayfair, Men Only are not even exciting to look at. By this I mean that in the early/mid 80's there was an element of excitement with every turn of the page...I realise some of you will say its age but I feel that the "classic" days are well and truely behind us !

God bless Donald Milne, John and Joanie Allum and all the other "classic" photographers !

Cheers !

Re: o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by Baldinger »

I'd say that anyone who brought out a magazine featuring only layouts from the 80's/early 90's could make a pretty penny
Horace Ward

Re: o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by Horace Ward »

Thank You,and that goes for my friends,John & Joanie as well...
and I also speak on behalf of Colin Ramsay and Vic Barnes (who don't visit this site)who all come from that era,inc the 60'and '70's.(Mayfairs,Spick & Spans,Girls Illustrated,Fiesta's and a wealth of other mags of the period).
We are all still around (older of course) but doing other things-but you cannot turn the clock back...only by looking at back issues!


Re: o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by jj »

Apropos of Ms Allum, nospambritbabes has some jpegs of her at this very mo.........

Re: o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by megaton »

Where have all the British talent gone, now days its tooo American looking to me, the same girls from the US and Europe, you now the ones, even all over the internet, OK they are Nice to look at but, surely if you buy a UK Magazine you expect to see some British Girls,not the odd one or if your lucky two picture sets.

Take the other day i was flicking through some odd copies of Mayfair 1980's and they had page are page of great looking British Girls. You probably had 1 or 2 foreign girls in each mag.
That's what i like to see again.

Re: o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by Mikey »

Thats what I am saying........there is no style even at the magazine publishers, they are trying to copy the vast internet within a few pages......make it different.....make it more classy !!
Officer Dibble

Re: o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Where have all the British talent gone,"

Hey, this is my subject. So, step aside due and allow me to enlighten you.

British talent has probably not "gone" as in ceased to exist. It's more likely to be simply disguising it?s self as 'Tasmin Outhwaite' or the girls from 'Atomic Kitten.' British girls in particular aren?t all that bothered about being glamorous and dollying themselves up for men nowadays. They'd much rather don a pair of jeans, get a crap haircut, and act loud and lairy with their 'mates.' It's not particularly fashionable and trendy to be a glamour girl nowadays, and the money isn't as good, which is why you don't get any 'wow' girls on current model registries. There?s also some rather alarming evidence, which was published in the British Medical Journal recently, that girls in general are becoming less girl-shaped. This would be bad news for glamour magazine publishers if they knew what day it was and understood the significance of these issues. Some of 'em think you can put any bird in there just so long as she's got her kit off - they're so wrong.

With the advent of the Internet satellite TV, swinging clubs, lap-dancing clubs, openly promoted sex shops glamour magazines are really up against it, they should be pulling out all the stops. If British girls don't fit the glamour bill due to current mores in British girl culture then I'd scour the globe. Hey, I bet there are thousands of stunning Latin girls with the requisite tits, bums and attitude to make guys float off to fantasy land as they gaze at her centre spread, and there's probably plenty of attractive European girls still unaffected by the worst excesses of Brit and American popular culture.

But instead you get magazine editors popping-up here and saying "Hey, this issue we've got so-and-so and there's also some great pictures of so-and-so acting lairy at such and such exhibition." These 'so and so?s' are usually the usual suspects and I know I'm not alone in thinking "Er, like, so what? If you think these are the types of girls to pop our corks you are so deluded."


Re: o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by megaton »

I also found that up to about 1990, some magazine used to publish
how many people who bought there magazine per six months, ie 400,000 Copies a month eyc, I bet most of them don't even get half that nowdays.

Re: o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by Lizard »

If you want to live in the past fine, me! I,d rather move on.
With all respect to producers artits etc,you had your day,look back and enjoy, but for the rest of us porn fans, we go onward and look forward to the future, and if you cant see one that,s your problem. I see young talent in porn films today and I,m just gratefull that there still doin it, People grow up. Think of all the page 3 type models, they hit 30 and quite rightly, most retire, its a young womans game, always has been, thats not to say there aren,t some crackin looking woman over 30, cos there are, but we live in changing times re everything, learn to move with them or go live in a cave and reminisce.
As for the demise of magazines, that again is technology, if you can stare at your favourite girls all day on a pc
why would you buy a magazine? we all embrace technology otherwise you wouldn,t be reading this fantastic forum right now, would you? As far as taste goes, well thats in the eye of the beholder,one person likes a tatoo
another doesn,t, one likes a belly ring one doesn,t, at the end of the day it,s all about watching people having sex
on camera, as Wendy put it "I could fuck on film" and she certainly can. Those who long for days gone by, need to accept the fact that time and peole move on. There are some fantastic resources for "digging up" older mags and porn vids at the touch of a button.
Now that is progress.
Officer Dibble

Re: o/t glamour magazines/style

Post by Officer Dibble »

What's up Liz? To what do we owe this outburst, this unusually passionate expression of solidarity with the status quo? Someone put something in your tea?

Anyhow, I guess you'll not be suprised and would expect no less than the Officer taking issue with some of the points raised. So, here goes...

?but for the rest of us porn fans, we go onward and look forward to the future?

What future? It looks fucked to me. It also looks fucked to the highly capable and respected producer of 20 years experience who rang me the other day and said, ?It?s fucked. If I could see a way out today I would take it like a shot.?

?I see young talent in porn films today?

I don?t.

?and I?m just grateful that there still doin it?

I wish they would stop.

?Think of all the page 3 type models, they hit 30 and quite rightly, most retire, its a young womans game, always has been,?

If I put together semi-hardcore video together featuring a few select 30+ ?page 3 types? it would sell a shed load more than any heavy-duty hardcore movie featuring any of this ?new talent? that you might care to mention. The punters know who and what they want to see.

?at the end of the day it?s all about watching people having sex on camera,?

That?s certainly true, as far as it goes. But if we delve a little deeper the more perceptive amongst us might come to the conclusion that mainstream porn viewers would prefer to see ordinary unpretentious people having sex, people they can relate to. Mainstream type people, be they very attractive or of more modest looks. But unfortunately the casts of most contempory porn films have been taken over by alien invaders from the planet PornPerformer. The female of this strange species is usually characterised by her lank, roughly hewn, dirty blonde locks and a pale emaciated frame that is frequently flecked with odd bluey green markings. It is considered de rigeur amongst these strange alien creatures to shore off all their natural body hair and pierce themselves with precious metals! Strange, but true. These odd alien females have all but supplanted our more attractive native glamour girls and ?girl next door types? in porn films and like alien interlopers everywhere they are slowly crushing the life out of the eco system they are invading.
