How YOU choose - Poll Result

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: How YOU choose - Poll Result

Post by magoo »

Dibble that was a short answer. Your normally a very verbose constable. I am finding myself agreeing with you a lot lately. This distresses me and I am seeking help. But I was watching some of my fav solo girl mast flicks and TM seems rather tasty.

I like Heather Chittendons solo flicks. She has a posh voice and uses rude words. I am curious though Dibbsy babes would you agree Heather is great? I know you hate the modern lot so is Heather OK by you?

PS re your obituary for Nick Pace. I remember during the 80's I had a load of lead ?1 coins with gold paint on them. I had forgotten all about them until you mentioned it. Would they have been his "work" or did everyone start making them? They worked a treat in vending machines as did all the Irish coins I had.
Officer Dibble

Re: How YOU choose - Poll Result

Post by Officer Dibble »

"I like Heather Chittendons solo flicks. She has a posh voice and uses rude words. I am curious though Dibbsy babes would you agree Heather is great? I know you hate the modern lot so is Heather OK by you?"

Heather does indeed meet with the Officers approval. A woman of substance.

"PS re your obituary for Nick Pace. I remember during the 80's I had a load of lead ?1 coins with gold paint on them. I had forgotten all about them until you mentioned it. Would they have been his "work"

Most likely.


Re: How YOU choose - Poll Result

Post by magoo »

Cheers Dibble,

If Heather is still working can you get her to do an Angels shoot. Failing that re-release some of the stuff you keep in your master(bation) cupboard. I bet theres some classics in your vaults but you just keep teasing us with the mere prospect of them being dusted off and duped.

PS My local shopkeeper(at the time ie mid 80s) was dishing out those fake ?1 coins left right and centre. He also used to dish out other fake currency. He is currently doing a three stretch at Her Maj's pleasure for twatting a shoplifter over the head with a bottle of scotch and mysteriously stabbing a passer by in the process. He is from Stevenage or is it Luton. Who cares. Night night.
jj (Bakers' Union Rep.)

Re: How YOU choose - Poll Result

Post by jj (Bakers' Union Rep.) »

Good: the bakery biz don't need competition from the likes of you......but I might mix in a bit of Gusto next time I do a batch.

Re: How YOU choose - Poll Result

Post by steve56 »

thanks mr magoo!