SO after 2 hours sleep and too much partying I had a 3 hour drive to work. It was ok though as I was shooting for Bluebird Films and there was a Starbucks en Route

Once I arrived at Bluebird it was into the Make up Chair for some well needed grooming! Charlie of course was being fussed to death as he always it wherever we go.
My 1st scene was a Solo - Uniformia - and I was a Ring Master... Sexiest outfit ever! I loved it! And I loved my toy... Grand Total of 2 orgasms right there!
After that it was back into make up and ready to make me look Pretty... Now this is where the fun began, I was filming my sexy scene with Jig on the fuckin roof! AND I had to climb through a very small window onto the roof..... Not so much fun when I am hungover. But I had the pleasure of banging Jig and having the funniest Production Team, Ric Porter, Steve and Ross.. They make me piss!
Anyway I took candids as always and have still stolen my friends laptop as I havent replaced mine... But I am sat catching up on a Million emails eeek......