O/T THanks to AOL

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

O/T THanks to AOL

Post by Shaun? »

.......for sending me a free DVD case. They also sent me a disc with the settings for their broadband service via a phoneline. I'll use the case but not the disc, which is totally the wrong reason why they sent me the disc in the first place.

Re: O/T THanks to AOL

Post by woodgnome »

waste not, want not:

Re: O/T THanks to AOL

Post by mutanthalibut »

The discs make trendy, attractive coasters for your coffee mugs and people think your flash when they see you use cds in this manner.

Now you have;

1 free dvd case
2 free trendy coaster
3 impressed friends

All thanks to AOL

Re: O/T THanks to AOL

Post by Fuji »

Nice link WG I'll send em the dozen or so that AOL have sent me so far! I'm keepin the Freeserve ones as coasters cos the logo's are prettier!!

Re: O/T THanks to AOL

Post by monkeyman »

I always stick 'em all under the Christmas tree and put lights on top. It reflects the light back upwards and makes your tree look prettier. Ahem, I mean in a more ingenious manly kinda way...

Re: O/T THanks to AOL

Post by Snake »

AOL CDs, sheesh man, you wanna see the crap that comes through my mailbox on a weekly basis, i have "free time online with **** ISP" Disks every week, i'd say somewhere in the region of 12-15 different ISP Providers every month.
