'Ben Lover' R.I.P.

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Officer Dibble

'Ben Lover' R.I.P.

Post by Officer Dibble »

It falls to me to announce the untimely demise of ?Ben Lover, AKA Nick Pace, small time villain, porn stud, and latterly grasser, of the East Suffolk Parish ? apparently beaten to death in a far eastern city.

I don?t as yet have any independent confirmation of this news ? but it was related to me, via a trusted third party, from a tearful Melissa his former partner and occasional participant in their porny productions.

Though there are many former associates who will not be shedding a tear this evening it seems nonetheless poignant that a leading British porn-stud of the preceding decade has finally shot his last wad. Nick was an enigma both on and off camera. Few fuck fans that saw his silent, dour, businesslike demeanour on camera would hardly credit that when the camera stopped rolling he was an exuberant, personable, bundle of energy - the life and sole of the party. He also had a remarkable talent for pissing-off partners in crime and business associates alike, and ?prophetically? many predicted he would meet a sticky end. Some of his exploits are legendary ? like when he hit on the audacious idea of producing his own ?1.00 coins (Bank Of Pace) by filing moulds with lead and spraying the resulting grey discs with Halford?s General Purpose Metallic Gold! ? It sounds absurd, but it worked, for a while? Then there was the time he hit the headlines brandishing a loaded Walther PPK in a local tavern and of course his infamous porn bust (case thrown out.) A colourful character, I?m sure he will be missed by many ? well, at least by fuck fans - across the land.

Nick Pace ? - 2003

Re: 'Ben Lover' R.I.P.

Post by marcusallen »

Are you fucking serious!!
A eulogy to a piece of shit who ripped off his own, especially including someone close to you persoanally!!!

A TINY would-be con man, (see your above).
I am tatally incensed and our personal friendship is in danger because of your apparent admiration of this dog )apologies to any canine reader)

I have repeatedly enquired as to his whereabouts, as you and others well know, simply because he ripped oif a GENTLEMAN namewd BOB BELCHER and caused him great harm both personal/businesswise/FINANCIAL.

As for Melissa being istrought(YOUR implication) I very much doubt it.

If indeed he is dead, my own pwersonal regret, is that I had no hand in thre matter.

Officer Dibble

Re: 'Ben Lover' R.I.P.

Post by Officer Dibble »

The Officer is his usual calm, cool, coherent and rational self.

"I am totally incensed and our personal friendship is in danger because of your apparent admiration of this dog "

I'm sure you'll take a more measured view in the morning Marcus. But on the subject of Nick, I can only speak as I find and most would attest that upon first meeting Nick you would find him to be easy going, personable and quiet charismatic - good company in the pub. I don't admire him (although one must admit he was a good shagger) and certainly don't condone what he did. But he always respected me and on occasion told third parties that - "he's one guy I wouldn?t mess with." Though I'm not quiet sure why he held me in such awe.

Bob is well aware of what has transpired and is quiet serene about it.

I didn?t imply that Melissa was upset, I stated it as fact. Her tearful words went something like - "Whatever he's done to me and others he didn't deserve that. We were together for seven years and we did have some good times. You can't just forget that."

Oh well, he's gone to that big porn set in the sky now. My mate P R Mann is already planning a 'Ben Lover' Commemorative movie or maybe a ?Ben Lover's Greatest Spurts' video - callous corporate swine that he is. He never misses an opportunity.

Bill Malone

Re: 'Ben Lover' R.I.P.

Post by Bill Malone »

This man got to satisfy Laura Singer on camera 3 times, with some success; one can only assume she was happy with the man or else the scenes would have been less enthusiastic. Any man who had the opportunity to perform this heavenly task deserved a drink bought for him, no matter how much of an alleged bastard he was off camera. Here's to you Nick for, if nothing else, giving Laura a seeing to when we couldn't and keeping it hard. Nice one.

Bill Malone
Jealous but in awe.

Re: 'Ben Lover' R.I.P.

Post by marcusallen »

Morning OD,
Perhaps I went a little over the top last night, he never did anything to me in fact I never met him.
I was filled with the thoughts of what he did to Bob, talk about a soft target!
Maybe justice has been done after all.
Jake Lamotta

Any photos?

Post by Jake Lamotta »

Any photos of this geezer anywhere dibble? Struggling to place him. Is it the guy with the short dark hair? Did he play Dr Disgusting?
Roger Totty

Re: Any photos?

Post by Roger Totty »

I'd like to know where this far Eastern city is, Lowestoft?

Which films did he do with Laura Singer? I'm only familiar with her tennis scene in BD's London Calling, I'd not mind a more thorough archive of her work.


Re: Any photos?

Post by woodgnome »

er, have you tried looking up laura's page on this very site?
Roger Totty

Re: Any photos?

Post by Roger Totty »

The stupidity of my question hit me seconds after I asked it. Sorry, it's been a while since I've used BGAFD, and I went straight to the forum, and had forgotten about your wonderful database.



Re: Any photos?

Post by woodgnome »

no problem. you're not the first to ask such a question and you certainly won't be the last. ;-)