Brazilian Waxes - OT?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by steve56 »

Officer Dibble

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Officer Dibble »

"I doubt that, given the presence of many other visual and chemical stimuli, the absence or reduction of pubic hair would have much of an effect on a male's interest either way."

I'm not saying that it is a total deciding factor, but I believe that it is one of the factors, maybe combined with others i.e. earrings and studs in odd places, tats, crap hair, etc, that when combined in one female package makes the average male think "Urrrgggh!"

"I doubt that, given the presence of many other visual and chemical stimuli, the absence or reduction of pubic hair would have much of an effect on a male's interest either way."

I can only speak for myself here. While I could 'put up' with a lack of natural pubic hair - as you point out there are other chemical and visual stimuli to fall back on - I do find it fairly off-putting and very irritating. For my own personal video amusement I now find myself almost exclusively trawling back-catalogues for videos from periods when depletion was not a measurable phenomena. The only reason I'd look at a recent adult movie would be in the course of my work - to do a review or something, a necessary chore. Declining video sales suggest other onetime adult movie fans hold similar sentiments.

You might suggest that I have a pubic hair fetish. That?s a hard one to call even for the Officer. I do experience an extra frisson of desire when I'm confronted with a natural bush, but I don't fancy those birds you get in those hirsute fetish videos. What I find most alluring is a simple bog standard bird, be she Claudia Schiffer or Mrs Bisley next door, with a bit of makeup on and her hair done up nice - Hey, I know, pretty weird huh? Because I don't really desire anything special other than what nature has seen fit to provide I don't believe my tastes are that unusual in the male population at large.


Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by jj »

Now that we've more or less disposed of the biology detour, we're left with: personal taste.
One Eyed Jack

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by One Eyed Jack »

Good evening ladies and gentlemen of the forum. I have been viewing this thread with some interest and as usual, I can respect the opinions of what some people have been saying on this topic of brazilian waxing.

I would like to point out here, a brazilian wax is different from your common waxing as it means not only the hair from the front of the genitals is removed but also around the anal area. Personally, I am a fan of the natural bush as well as a bald pussy, depending on my mood. I can't stand overly hairy and I think we're all in agreement here on that one.

Our good Officer Dibble likes to have a legitimate moan once in a while but blaming declining video sales on lack of pussy hair, boob jobs, extreme sexual acts etc is not the way to go. There are so many videos being produced nowadays, especially out of America to suit all tastes from gritty gonzo (me) to high end lavish productions (ie Private, Vivid, Wicked etc). Porn has never been so good. What is crap from what is not is subjective.

The problem is, there is too damn much of everything in porn to the point of over kill with so many tastes to cater to, the mainstream producers of suck and fuck and more extreme sex acts will suffer. The big money is on distribution. On the whole, porn itself as a collective is making huge amounts of money with no one really getting that big a slice of the cake. Remember, the average porn buyer is still consuming the same amount of porn or even more so than he was several years ago thanks to the internet. Returning to convention may not necessarily be the answer.
Officer Dibble

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Personal taste" is a cop-out, personal taste is for maintaining the status quo,
peronal taste is a dead-end.

Officer Dibble

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Officer Dibble »

Yo Terry! So, doin' a spot of late-night lurking hey? Wondered where you'd got to.

" On the whole, porn itself as a collective is making huge amounts of money with no one really getting that big a slice of the cake."

Well, that sounds about right.

"Remember, the average porn buyer is still consuming the same amount of porn or even more so than he was several years ago"

Sadly, if he is, he ain't buyin' it from me.


Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Lizard »

Maybe thats why you have such a negative view on the industry
Dibble, if your marketing was as enthusiastic as your debating skills, everything would be groovy man!
Peace be with you...