Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

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Matt P
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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by Matt P »

People that make good porn go on the basis of ability not looks alone.

Given that your examples are all from the walpole group then I've a suspicion that this nothing but a personal attack after a previous interaction thus your coment about sexism, also given it's unrelated to your point, lacks any sincerity what so ever. Please refrain hijacking some elses post because you & the person you represent have an issue with me.
Bicycle Bum
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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by Bicycle Bum »

Matt, I'll try and be a bit more skillful than kandy here. Your ability is not in question. You also look a fairly benign sort of guy and girls like that. Your hairiness is not a problem either, but you really do need to bulk up a bit, you have no chest, and no shoulders. You're a bit of a wimp really. Hairiness and wimpiness don't belong with the same body. If you have to choose between losing the hair and bulking up a bit go to the gym.
You really should be thinking about challenging the best dudes in the business from here on in, for you'll get the best girls and the best companies as well.
Also, knowing how to train properly in the gym and watching the diet is not all about looks, it's also about intensifying and controlling your performance. Even a 40 something year old who knows how to train and eat properly can mantain the virility of a 16 year old. Take a look at Peter North, he's in his 50s and still going strong. If it wasn't for the gym he'd be kaput by now. Working in the gym will give you better muscle coordination and help you practice those harder positions. You need to give yourself more of an edge, for there's going to be a lot more soft-bodied pale dudes like you entering the business. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done about your modestly sized todger, and anyone in the business who says a big todger isn't better is lying.
So, get down the gym and sculpt that body, and get a bloody tan, you're blinding the viewers out there.
Matt P
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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by Matt P »

Tactful I think you meant & it's not something I dispute. It's a point already been raised & continually repeating it comes across as a personal attack instead of advice & thus comes across as a little petty. I want to challenge the best in the business & lot of that is going to come down to experience. In the short time I've been peforming I've done cfnm, g/b soft, g/b hard, g/g/b, fem dom, foot worship & humilation. I've done scenes with models from 18 to mid 50s & never once failed to do what was required. I'm not sure how anyone can judge the size of my penis when it's in use so to speak.

Now if I may give my advice, if certain people put less effort into encouraging petty personal attacks then they might have more success at making something people want to watch & maybe work with. Right now I'm not the one who looks pathetic. I'm being reserved here out of respect for another's post, if people want to continue to "offer advice" then do so off forum using my email.
If you want to continue to bait & bully the new guy then I suggest you start a new post.
erotic images
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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by erotic images »

"When spunk doth fly, take place behind the shoulder of the man shooting. Not in front or to the side. as you may get hit by ricochet"

I was the one with the bloody camera

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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by Guilbert »

But he has left his socks on, which look terrible !!
paul jones
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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by paul jones »

Well Kandy, you know what they say - you don't like the product, you think there is a market for something different, then make it and sell it - good luck with your site.

I personally have always found it a huge joke that I got into this game, but interestingly I've also got female fans, and when I talk to them, they all say that it's not my looks (which they usually say are OK), but my attitude they like.


Webmaster of [url]http://www.adultindustryresources.com/drupal7[/url]
I still love performing and shooting, and always happy to help people make porn. Esp if tittivation.com will be an outlet :-)
Matt P
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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by Matt P »

Guilbert wrote:

> But he has left his socks on, which look terrible !!

I suggest you watch the full clip when it's released & trust me your attention won't be on my socks, There's a reason why Satine is nominated for best new starlet & she lives up it in this. Check out her blog www.satinespark.com January update & there's some better pics.

The socks in shot is constructive criticism at least
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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by KazB »

Nice one Matt - keep it up! ;)

Cum spray your spunk over my new HARDCORE site!


Promoters >> britsexcash.com
one eyed jack
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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by one eyed jack »

"Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one"
Clint Eastwood (The Dead Pool)

Ha ha. Nuff said. me too. Ten times over

All I'll say is, if all my porn was based on fine looking gents and gorgeous gals then I'd be one broke as a joke mofo.

I like to listen to my fans, customers, whatever you prefer to call them when they say what they like about my stuff is that it looks real and could be them.

A large part of my customer base subscribes to this concept. In short, while Kandy may have a point I htink she could have afforded to be less insensitive.

After all when comments are made about certain girls the mods get rid of sharpish or certain chivalrous males come to the rescue of those damsels in distress.

Matt wouldnt look out of place on my site if he had a girlfriend plus Ive heard good things about that lad already. While I dont fancy him (no offence mate) He dont look that bad and looks like a regular normal bloke to me.

Matt P
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Re: Wannabe Guys, this is how you do it

Post by Matt P »

Thanks all those that have show support it means a lot,

The recent bout of negative coments are "Water off of a duck's back" so obvious it's an insult to my intelligence. I'm being kind & I think people know I'm more than capable of reciprocating so should draw a line under this before I help them advertise pathetic they are.