Brit Porns Dying

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Brit Porns Dying

Post by JP »


possibly fuelled by excess alchohol I feel it's time to maybe raise a possible taboo subject, i.e. we're not that good at fulfilling our potential at being great producers of adult movies and letting the world know about it.

As someone who has viewed a movie or two in his time I am ready in his praise of the early Ben Dover movies, the Peepshow & Horny Housewife movies and also Omar's early works as being truly great films, all that where probably produced before R18 videos where made legal in the UK. Since then I'm afraid nothing has changed, what happened to the old theory that once XXX movies where made legal in the UK that the standard of movie would improve, well sorry guys it hasn't, it's getting worse proved by the best talent going to the States, i.e. Layla, Sabrina, Donna-Marie etc etc.

So what's the script, are we continually to be fed the s**t we are being served or is someone going to at least going to try an improve standards. Are retailers going to stop trying to rip of their consumers at every opportunity (Please Officer Dibble, save the shit on Uk taxes etc etc, the buying public has a tool called the internet now where movies can be bought outwith the UK/Euro for a lot less than what your asking, deal with it or eventually go bust)


Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by golostruda »

Eh? Porn is an international industry (eg witness the Counter-Revolutions in Eastern Europe leading to the industry worldwide suddenly being dominated by Hungarian & Czech girls). Why would the decriminalisation of porn in the UK make a difference? The R18 market is tiny and probably not much different in size to the previous [illegal] under-the-counter market. Porn DVDs are ?10-?25 apiece in Soho stores (depending on quantity bought) - where do you get them cheaper? Brit pornsters have always filmed in American productions the same way mainstream actors have - the entertainment industries over there are 20-odd times the size and volume of ours. But as for "the best talent goes to the States" - what, forever? I have never heard of Donna-Marie, but Layla-Jade lives in Devon and Sabrina Johnson in Antwerp. I think you need a new atlas, sweetie.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by woodgnome »

taboo??? it must be the drink talking... you're not the first, and you certainly won't be the last, to gripe about the status quo.

re. ripping off the consumer: the current restrictions in place on the retailing of adult material have a measurable effect on the consumer, whether you care to acknowledge it or not. price gouging by local authorities, courtesy of their hypocritical attempts to exort monies through setting exortionate fees for sex shop licences; the ban on mail order delivery of classified r18 videos/dvd's (but only if despatched from within the country!); the self-serving and entirely unnecessary certification fee charged by the bbfc... it all adds up to a distorted market place that serves neither the producer nor the consumer well.

the reason adult videos/dvds are cheaper in london arises from one distinguishing factor - bona fide competition. if adult vendors could trade like any other legitimate business, who knows if things would be better. but if they weren't, at least an accusing finger could be pointed with more legitimacy than is currently the case.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by magoo »

I dont know why producers dont just arrange for the films to be sent mail order from overseas thereby avoiding breaking the mail order laws and avoiding the need for a bbfc certificate (although obviously if they want to sell in UK sex shops then they have the option to decide if they wish to fork out on a certificate or just to not bother with sex shops)

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by steve56 »

idont know about that but the brit films ive seen are much better than the american stuff that is available when im watching brit stuff im wide awake,when im watching us stuff i fall asleep with boredom,ace probaly recalls a film from us that was so boring it came out in the mid-80s?dames was the title,and another one that was terrible was girls of hollywood hills anybody remember them?
Dave Wells

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Dave Wells »

This is a thread that has been spoken about a lot lately. The problem is that OLD chestnut called money. If we like our counterparts in the "proper " movie industry could get bigger and better budgets we could make better product. This won't happen because of the subject matter we are dealing with. This coupled with the fact that there are IDIOT proof cameras around now means that anyone can shoot a 'porno' and indeed sell it for not a lot of money. Thus bringing the standard and the pay down to the pathetic levels they are at the moment. The distributors don't care whether one film is better than the next because at the end of the day they all sell about the same anyway ( which isn't alot even in America ). So why should they bother throwing money at something that will ONLY bring a similar return if they just spend not a lot. It is a vicious circle for us ever suffering producers in what has now become a pretty awful business to try and make a living in. The talent and the distributors make money NOT US.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by JP »

Golostruda Wrote

"Eh? Porn is an international industry (eg witness the Counter-Revolutions in Eastern Europe leading to the industry worldwide suddenly being dominated by Hungarian & Czech girls). Why would the decriminalisation of porn in the UK make a difference? The R18 market is tiny and probably not much different in size to the previous [illegal] under-the-counter market. Porn DVDs are ?10-?25 apiece in Soho stores (depending on quantity bought) - where do you get them cheaper? Brit pornsters have always filmed in American productions the same way mainstream actors have - the entertainment industries over there are 20-odd times the size and volume of ours. But as for "the best talent goes to the States" - what, forever? I have never heard of Donna-Marie, but Layla-Jade lives in Devon and Sabrina Johnson in Antwerp. I think you need a new atlas, sweetie."


No need for an atlas sweetie, I'm well aware of where Devon and Antwerp are, I'm referring to where these particular actresses work not live. Pardon me for not making it obvious that I'm talking about the British Porn Industry and not the price of property in England and Belgium. Donna Marie AKA Donna Ibbotson by th way.


Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Dane »

It really gets my back up when I read posts like these, in particular Dave's. Can I just point out you make your living shagging beautiful lasses and/or watching many more beatufil lasses get shagged. Why then you all appear so fucking miserable amazes me. Most blokes would give there right arm for that. Moaning about the money?? mate I'd do it for free. You should try packing boxes in a wharehouse for a living then you'd have a legitmate reason to bellyache.
Officer Dibble

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Are retailers going to stop trying to rip of their consumers at every opportunity (Please Officer Dibble, save the shit on UK taxes etc etc, the buying public has a tool called the internet now where movies can be bought outwith the UK/Euro for a lot less than what your asking, deal with it or eventually go bust)"

Suit yourself where you buy them from, but at the end of the day if there is not a sufficient profit margin or volume of trade to support the making of a living in the UK adult entertainment bizz then the protagonists will just call it a day and find something more rewarding to do. Some already have.

Unpalatable economics lesson coming up:

The market for porn is really quite small in the UK (but significant) hence the seemingly inflated cost of many adult products - you can only sell a few, so you have to sell them for more dough to make it worth while.

Officer Dibble.
Officer Dibble

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Officer Dibble »

Er, yes, we had thought about that, but one needs a substantial customer base to be sure of enough trade to cover the extra costs of the offshore admin. As the customer base of all adult video enterprises declines the offshore option becomes les and less feasible.

Officer Dibble