I'm doing a clear out of some of my DVDs. I'm selling each for ?15 or will exchange if you have a DVD that interests me.
-AER: Adult Entertainment Robot #1
-Filthy Club Reps
-UK Student House #1
-UK Student House #2
-UK Student House #4
-Where the Girls Sweat... A Lot
-Fiona Cooper DVD23 (Louise Hodges and Michelle Thorne)
If you are interested in an exchange please e-mail me for further details.
Original British DVDs (except for one) for sale/tr
Re: Original British DVDs (except for one) for sal
Now THATS what I call a limited collection 

Re: Original British DVDs (except for one) for sal
Perhaps it is limited, Ace, but I did say SOME of my DVD collection not all of it.
Re: Original British DVDs (except for one) for sal
attn darren,ithink thats what ace meant,you see when you say some it can mean limited!