possible china
6 billion in world (is that 1,000,000,000 x 6?)
China Han Chinese 91.9%, Zhuang, Uygur, Hui, Yi, Tibetan, Miao, Manchu, Mongol, Buyi, Korean, and other nationalities 8.1%. China has 56 ethnic groups
Chinese, White and black ? As alec said...plenty of scope for grey areas
Totally o/t:- ?100 bet
Re: 1.4 Billion..................
If you want to know what NZ is like watch Lord of the Rings, it was filmed there. Apart from that it's got lots of sheep. A very famous international rugby team All Blacks.
I've heard it'd real beaut' you will love it...gets very wet in their winter though!
I've heard it'd real beaut' you will love it...gets very wet in their winter though!
At the last count.....
China: 1,295,533 billion
India: 1,027,015 billion
give or take: allow for births,deaths & marriages or hatches,matches & disspatches as they are sometimes known.
India: 1,027,015 billion
give or take: allow for births,deaths & marriages or hatches,matches & disspatches as they are sometimes known.
Re: Totally o/t:- ?100 bet
Apparently the few that are there own Chinese take away. Damn fine they are too
Re: At the last count.....
Doesn't bode very well if we have an east versus west ww3.