Online Certs

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
paul jones
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Re: Online Certs

Post by paul jones »

I think elsewhere was posted at 125 quid a year.

Which is probably less than I spend on a couple nice cups of coffee a week (Cafe Nero YES, Starbucks, NO) over a year.

It's 2.5 tanks of petrol.

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Re: Online Certs

Post by KazB »

I believe it is ?150 for the years membership and ?125 per test.

The only reason so many performers pay little or nothing is only due to the fact it is government subsidised. The actual costs of testing in the lab, for trained specialist's time and all that paperwork are a lot higher than some might think.

Also baring in mind that clinic express have paid for web development and invested a great deal of time into this project, it is to be expected that they would require some sort of financial return. Generously they have even agreed to give performers three months free which is a good chance for people to trial it and see the merits for themselves.

Skiny deep suggested that online certs may have the additional benefit of making sure models show up to shoots. I would also suggest that with results being more accessible to producers it may also encourage them to take more responsibility for their health and reduce risky practices mentioned earlier in this thread.

So to recap we potentially have:

*Only genuine authentic certs within the opt-in system as opposed to fake certs

*Fewer models no-showing and cancelling shoots as they will be more keen to recoup their costs

*Possible that performers will be forced to limit or even eliminate risky practices

*With positive results being heard of more often - possible loss of taboo/stigma which would encourage openness

So for less than a couple of grand we suddenly have a system which not only reduces the risk of contracting an sti, but also increases productivity.

Now if someone asked you if you would rather good health or ?1700 - which would you pick? I'm sure there will be those who would rather take their chances and grab the cash.......but if we go with the opt-ins work with opt-ins and opt-outs work with opt-outs the divide ceases to become an issue.
Personally I'm not sure that I would be happy to have sex with someone who did not believe their health was worth ?1700 but at least we will have the freedom to choose.

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Mr Mark
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Re: Online Certs

Post by Mr Mark »

Tony, try reading the thread from the start and you might avoid coming across as extremely dumbwitted.

Thank god for the intelligent well thought out interjections from the likes of Kaz and Terry. Some great points made that hopefully will help make performers fully think through this scheme and how it will benefit them.

It's not all about cost - it's about your health being at stake and about minimising risk.

Chris - kudos to you for setting this up and for accepting feedback. Hopefully it'll lead to something that rivals AIM in the States.

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Andy Mann
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Re: Online Certs

Post by Andy Mann »

I pay ?150 at Acumen (formerly Medilab), I have been going there every month for 2 years now and never had a problem, all producers who I work for are more than happy with this as am I, used to go to NHS in Manchester but aside from the hassle I used to get actually trying to get my paperwork back, the NHS in Manchester stopped providing that service, although if they did start doing so again I would still go to Medilab despite the extra cost. I am tested on Thursday, for example, and get my results back in an email (and in the post) on the Monday.

Also it is very conveniant for me as I live close by and is used by many performers in the industry. Couldn't reccommend them highly enough.
paul jones
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Re: Online Certs

Post by paul jones »

I think it's important to seperate out the cost of the DB membership from the costs of the the tests - look forward to when , for example, the NHS clinics are taking part.

Of course if you do take into account the tests, then for anyone using a private clinic the additional is even less of an issue.

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Re: Online Certs

Post by myson »

I have been reading this thread from the first post and this is simply my 2 pennorth on the subject and I'm going to keep it short.

Instead of bickering and batting this thing back and forth til the cows come home why don't we just all pull together and do our darndest to make it work?
The principle, in my opinion, is a damn good one (it's performers health at risk for gods sake) so it got to be worth making the effort.

"It's better to try and fail than not try at all"


one eyed jack
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Re: Online Certs

Post by one eyed jack »

If it desnt work then the UK will be left in the stone age way behind the rest of the world that seem to have this in place already

Clinics will see this failure as a reason to not be cooperative with the porn industry and I wouldnt blame them.

This doesnt benefit me but if it goes the wrong way i can merely say I tried and you all know i did.

This is down to the performers and I have said already that some producing companies have agreed to pay a top up fee to encourage performers to use the scheme.

You'd be mad not to.

Help make it happen for your own sakes.
Mr Mark
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Re: Online Certs

Post by Mr Mark »

BUMP - far too early and important for this to drop out of sight

Mr Mark, British Porn Videos on Demand
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one eyed jack
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Re: Online Certs

Post by one eyed jack »

I know what you mean Mr Mark but is it too early?

We've been banging this drum since last year and there is not enough support for it already...Unless the models opt to use it then it will lose its legs.

It seems not even offering cash incentives will change anything either...!laugh!

I was at least expecting people to ask who is offering this and clamouring of ME! ME! ME! GIMME MO MONEY! MEEE!
beck images
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Re: Online Certs

Post by beck images »

Although I personally believe that performer health is paramount and always should be, I still feel that as discussed by a few on this thread that work outside of the industry will mean that ultimately it is a pointless excercise. As far as I am aware this forum is considered to be the mainstay of the UK industry for most people. I would assume it is the most viewed and participated in, yet certain subjects remain taboo and unable to be discussed at any length. I think that is extremely dangerous and basically people sticking their heads in the sand.

I understand that this forum's admin say they are concerned over legal issues of which I don't understand why. Unless the debate is opened up to cover all aspects of the uk adult industry including escorting and parties etc and denying that it happens then all this is going to be a waste of time. I will point out that I have no issue with people earning their money in these other ways, we all do what we have to do but not being open about it is a problem in my book. This forum is happy to promote sites and adultwork pages regarding escorting, as is UKAP with Real Punting etc so unless everyone just comes clean and deals with these other aspects of the industry, any real change is futile. I would also assume that due to the current economic climate, less people shooting, less work all round that those other options are being taken up by more and more people - why fucking deny it?

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